Seminár z algebraickej teórie grafov - Martin Mačaj (26.11.2021)
v piatok 26.11.2021 o 13:00 hod. v miestnosti M/X aj online formou
Prednášajúci: Martin Mačaj
Názov: Doing AGT with computers (part III)
Termín: 26.11.2021, 13:00 hod., M X a MS Teams (AGT in Bratislava team, scheduled meeting)
We will show use group actions in GAP. We will (re)discover various properties of triangular graphs and their complements.
Thanks to (temporary?) loosening of restrictions regarding the COVID epidemy, we intend to conduct the seminar meetings this semester `in-person'. Hence, all of you who might choose to attend in person are welcome. Those of you who are not able to attend in person or who are still uncertain about the safety of attending in person are welcome to attend via MS Teams. In either case, we hope to see as many of you as possible (either in person or virtually) at our Friday gatherings.