Fakulta matematiky, fyziky
a informatiky
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

Seminár z kvalitatívnej teórie diferenciálnych rovníc - Johannes Lankeit (15.11.2018)

vo štvrtok 15.11..2018 o 14:00 hod. v miestnosti M/223

06. 11. 2018 07.40 hod.
Od: Pavol Quittner

Prednášajúci:  Johannes Lankeit

Názov prednášky: Chemotaxis systems with signal consumption

Termín: 15.11.2018, 14:00 hod., M/223

In the best-known chemotaxis model (the Keller-Segel system), the signal substance is produced by the population considered. However, there is also a different kind of chemotaxis models, where the signal substance is consumed. In this talk, we will look at such problems and, inter alia, will consider a coupled chemotaxis-fluid system and prove global existence, eventual smoothness and long-term behaviour of weak solutions.

Stránka seminára