Riešené vedecké projekty
2020 – súčasnosť | Isotope studies of meteorites :characterization of meteorites and cosmic radiation (VEGA 1/0421/20) |
2019 - súčasnosť | ACCORD - Advancing university Capacity and Competence in Research, Development and innovation (EU Structural Funds) |
2018 - súčasnosť | Enhancing capacity for environmental radionuclide monitoring in Slovakia, International Atomic Energy Agency (SLR/1001) |
2016 – súčasnosť | Rare nuclear processes and development of methods for their investigations (APVV-15-576) |
2016 - 2020 | Investigation of Lunar meteorites and similar chondrites (VEGA 1/0891/17) |
2014 - 2017 | Environmental radionuclide monitoring in Slovakia, International Atomic Energy Agency (SLR/008) |
2014 - 2017 | Investigation of Martian Meteorites, Chelyabinsk meteorite, and other Recent Chondrites (VEGA 1/0783/14) |
Projekty riešené v rámci medzinárodnej spolupráce
2017 - súčasnosť | LEGEND |
2018 - súčasnosť | CRESST |
Štipendiá a hosťovanie
2006, 2007 | JINR, Dubna |
2010 | CERN, Geneva |
2011 | Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe |
2011 | Norwegian Radiation Protection Agency, Østerås |
2012 | University of Vienna, VERA Laboratory, Vienna |
2015 | JYFL Accelerator laboratory, Jyväskylä |
2015 | HZDR, Dresden |
2019 | CIRCE, Caserta |