Nukleárny seminár - prof. Dmitry V. Naumov (27.10.2016)
vo štvrtok 27.10.2016 o 14:00 hod. v miestnosti F1/364
Nukleárny seminár Katedry jadrovej fyziky a biofyziky FMFI UK, Slovenskej fyzikálnej spoločnosti a Slovenskej nukleárnej spoločnosti
Prednášajúci: prof. Dmitry V. Naumov (JINR Dubna)
Názov: Reactor Neutrino ExperimentsJ
Termín: 27.10.2016, 14:00 hod., zasadačka KJFB - F1/364
Reactor neutrino experiments are playing a crucial role in our understanding of neutrino properties. We will briefly remind a history of reactor neutrino experiments in which the antineutrino was discovered, two neutrino mixing angles ?12 and ?13 and corresponding mass splittings were measured and geo-neutrinos were also identified. Now the neutrino physics entered into a new era of precision measurements. The next generation neutrino experiments are aimed to determine such fine details as the mass hierarchy and CP violation phase.