Seminár z teórie grafov - Jorik Jooken (14.3.2024)
vo štvrtok 14.3.2024 o 9:50 hod. v posluchárni C
Prednášajúci: Jorik Jooken
Názov: Exhaustive generation of edge-girth-regular graphs
Termín: 14.3.2024, 9:50 hod., poslucháreň C
An edge-girth-regular(v,k,g,lambda) graph is a k-regular graph of order v and girth g such that each edge is contained in precisely lambda girth cycles. These graphs generalize several well known classes of graphs such as edge-regular graphs, edge-transitive graphs and arc-transitive graphs. In this seminar, we discuss an algorithm to exhaustively generate all edge-girth-regular graphs of a fixed order and improve several bounds on the minimum order of these graphs for certain tuples (k,g,lambda). Full paper: