Seminár z kvalitatívnej teórie diferenciálnych rovníc - Eiji Yanagida (5.10.2017)
vo štvrtok 5.10.2017 o 14:00 hod. v posluchárni M/223
Prednášajúci: Eiji Yanagida (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Názov prednášky: Realizability of interfaces in the Fisher-KPP equation
Termín: 5.10.2017, 14:00 hod., M/223
This talk is concerned with the behavior of interfaces in the Fisher-KPP equation when initial data vary slowly in space. We first show that in a certain singular limit, the interfacial dynamics can be described by using the level set of a Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Then by the method of characteristics, it is shown that various (but not all) motion of interfaces is realizable.