Fakulta matematiky, fyziky
a informatiky
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

Seminár z teoretickej informatiky - Peter Vojtáš (27.10.2017)

v piatok 27.10.2017 o 11:00 hod. v miestnosti M/213

23. 10. 2017 14.30 hod.
Od: Rastislav Královič

Prednášajúci: Peter Vojtáš

Názov: Complexity of the search for a Challenge-Response reduction

Termín: 27.10.2017, 11:00 hod., M/213 

The idea of reducing (translating) a challenge (question) to another, with the aim of using response (solution, answer) to the latter to obtain response to the former, is a basic and natural one in all areas of human endeavor. We call such a back and forth procedure here “Challenge-Response Reduction (CRR)”. We address particular aspects of CRR in complexity reduction.

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