Seminár KZVI - Daniela Tuparova, PhD. (10.11.2017)
v piatok 10.11.2017 o 9:50 hod. v miestnosti I/32
Prednášajúci: Daniela Tuparova, PhD. (South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria)
Názov: Informatics and ICT Education in Bulgarian Schools
Termín: 10.11.2017, 9:50 hod., I/32
Presentation focuses on the new curricula within Informatics and ICT in Bulgarian schools at primary and secondary level. We will discuss structure of the curricula and the syllabus’ main topics. We will also present the organization of some contests for students and the possibilities for use of e-textbooks by the informatics and ICT teachers in the schools.