Fakulta matematiky, fyziky
a informatiky
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

Algebraic Graph Theory International Webinar (7.6.2022)

v utorok 7.6.2022 o 19:00 hod.

06. 06. 2022 14.41 hod.
Od: Róbert Jajcay

The organizers of the Algebraic Graph Theory International Webinar would like to invite you to join us and other colleagues on June 7, 2022, at 7pm Central European Summer Time (= 5pm UTC), for the next presentation delivered by Elias Mochan. 

The title of Martin's talk: Constructing k-orbit polytopes from their automorphism groups

An abstract polytope is a combinatorial generalization of the face lattice of a convex polytope. The most studied abstract polytopes are the regular ones: those in which the automorphism group acts transitively on the set of flags. The automorphism groups of regular polytopes are characterized by having a set of generators satisfying what's called "the intersection property". This result has been generalized for some families of polytopes with lots of symmetries, for example chiral polytopes. However, until recently, not much was known about a general result about the automorphism groups of polytopes with an arbitrary number of flag-orbits.

In this talk we will use voltage graphs to be able to find the intersection properties that a group must satisfy to act by automorphisms on a polytope with an arbitrary number of flag-orbits given a desired symmetry type graph. We will also show how we can use this to build any polytope (with a given symmetry type), as a coset geometry from its automorphism group and a list of distinguished generators.


The Zoom link for this semester is: 
Meeting ID: 871 9332 0713
Passcode: 653250

Further details may be found at http://euler.doa.fmph.uniba.sk/AGTIW.html

where you can also find the slides and the recordings of our previous presentations. Also, if you wish to advertise an AGT friendly conference on this page, please send us the link.  

Hoping to see you at the webinar, and wishing you all the best. 

Isabel HubardRobert Jajcay and Primoz Potocnik