Fakulta matematiky, fyziky
a informatiky
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

Doktorandské kolokvium KAI - Daniel Kyselica (11.3.2024)

v pondelok 11.3.2024 o 13:10 hod. v miestnosti I/9

05. 03. 2024 20.03 hod.
Od: Damas Gruska

Prednášajúci: Daniel Kyselica

Názov: Processing of light curves of satellites and space debris for the purpose of their identification

Termín: 11.3.2024, 13:10 hod., I/9

With the increase in space traffic in recent years, precise monitoring of space debris is necessary. Observations in the form of light curves provide us with information about an object’s physical properties including shape, size, surface materials and rotation. Publicly available databases contain a huge amount of gathered light curves that can be used to train machine learning models. Pieces of space debris can fall down to the Earth in a process called reentry, therefore 3D reconstruction of this event can bring more understanding of the physical processes.