Seminár z kvalitatívnej teórie diferenciálnych rovníc - Michael Winkler (1.2.2018)
vo štvrtok 1.2.2018 o 14:00 hod. v miestnosti M/223
Prednášajúci: Michael Winkler (Universität Paderborn)
Názov prednášky: Emergence of large densities in chemotaxis-growth systems
Termín: 1.2.2018, 14:00 hod., M/223
We consider variants of the Keller-Segel system of chemotaxis which contain logistic-type source terms and thereby account for proliferation and death of cells. The purpose of the presentation is to discuss how far even despite such additional growth-inhibiting mechanisms, the destabilizing action of chemotactic cross-diffusion therein is yet strong enough so as to enforce the spontaneous emergence of large population densities.