Fakulta matematiky, fyziky
a informatiky
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

30th anniversary of the Slovak Republic's accession to CERN

Faculty of mathematics, physics and informatics of Comenius University together with Institute of Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava orginize an event for high school pupils, where they can learn more about research at CERN. The event is organized on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the cooperation of the Slovak Republic and CERN and will be held on Tuesday, June 27 in the morning in the faculty.

23. 06. 2023 17.28 hod.
Od: Pavol Bartoš

Slovak physicists have now been working on European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) projects for three decades. On this occasion, the Ministry of Education, together with the Committee for Cooperation of the Slovak Republic with CERN, under the auspices of the President of the Slovak Republic Mrs. Zuzana Čaputová, organizes a ceremonial meeting on June 27, in the Science Park Building of the Comenius University at Mlynská dolina, Bratislava, with participation of the Ministers of Education and Foreign Affairs, CERN Director for International Relations, guests from the Czech Republic, as well as community of scientists and students cooperating with CERN.

The meeting will highlight the main milestones of our CERN membership and present the benefits of membership for our science, economy and society. The meeting will be accompanied by a morning programme for high school students at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University. The student programme includes lectures, a virtual visit to the ATLAS Experiment at CERN, construction of cloud chambers and cosmic ray observations.

The morning programme will be prepared for high school students at the FMFI UK in Bratislava, during which Samuel Kováčik and Barbora Eckerova will also speak. 

Samuel Kováčik is a theoretical physicist, science populariser, founder of the Vedátor project and CERN ambassador in Slovakia. He received his PhD at FMFI UK, from where he went to the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies - DIAS, where he received a research grant. His research interests include modifications of quantum mechanics, numerical simulations and matrix models. He enjoys popularising topics as normal as possible, such as clouds, animals and trees. He wrote the popular book Ordinary Miracles. For the celebration of Slovakia's 30th anniversary at CERN, he has prepared a topic that is on the minds of physicists and laymen alike - "What is actually a particle?". 

Barbora Eckerová is a researcher at the Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the Comenius University. She is a member of the ATLAS Collaboration/ATLAS Experiment at CERN, within which she also worked on her PhD thesis. She is involved in the study of top quark and its properties. As part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Slovakia in CERN, she will talk about what accelerators are actually for.

Text taken from "Svet častíc"