Seminár z teórie grafov - Štefko Miklavič (10.12.2020)
vo štvrtok 10.12.2020 o 9:50 hod.
Prednášajúci: Štefko Miklavič (University of Primorska, Koper)
Názov: Terwilliger algebra of a graph
Termín: 10.12.2020, 9:50 hod.
Prístupový kód do MS TEAMS (pre používateľov z UK): gglxxc7
Pripojenie (pre hostí mimo UK)
The aim of this talk is to introduce Terwilliger algebra of a graph. We will first define Terwilliger algebra of an arbitrary connected simple graph, and its (irreducible) modules. We will show that in the context of Terwilliger algebras, distance-(bi)regular graphs arise quite naturally. We will be interested in the interplay between certain combinatorial properties of graphs and the module structure of the associated Terwilliger algebras.