Seminár z teórie grafov - Martin Mačaj (20.3.2025)
vo štvrtok 20.3.2025 o 9:50 hod. v miestnosti M 213
Prednášajúci: Martin Mačaj
Názov: r-Regular families of permutations and 1-factorizations of bipartite multigraphs
Termín: 20.3.2025, 9:50 hod., M 213
It is well known that a k-valent bipartite multigraph has a 1-factorization. Motivated by the notion of r-regular families of permutations, introduced by R. Jajcay and G. Jones, we will discuss what happens when we require 1-factors to be mutually distinct (in the uderlying simple graph).
This is a joint work with P. Kollar.