Fakulta matematiky, fyziky
a informatiky
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

Seminár z teórie grafov - Jozef Širáň (12.12.2024)

vo štvrtok 12.12.2024 o 9:50 hod. v miestnosti M 213

10. 12. 2024 13.33 hod.
Od: Martin Škoviera

Prednášajúci: Jozef Širáň 

(Slovenská technická univerzita, Bratislava)

Názov: Orientably-regular embeddings of multigraphs

Termín: 12.12.2024, 9:50 hod., M 213

Informally, a graph embedding on some orientable surface gives an orientably-regular map if the embedding exhibits the `highest level of orientation-preserving symmetry'. Inspection of Conder's list of orientably-regular maps up to genus 300 reveals that nearly 90 per cent of them are such that either the map or its dual has a non-simple underlying graph, generating thus legitimate interest in orientably-regular embeddings of multigraphs. In the talk we will explain an approach to this topic based on group presentations and apply it to classification of regular embeddings of complete multigraphs. 

Stránka seminára