Seminár z algebratickej teórie grafov - Štefan Gyürki (19.2.2021)
v piatok 19.2.2021 o 13:00 hod. online formou
Prednášajúci: Štefan Gyürki (Slovenská technická univerzita)
Názov: On the most symmetric strongly regular graph with parameters (26,10,3,4)
Termín: 19.12.2021, 13:00 hod., MS Teams (AGT in Bratislava team, scheduled meeting)
In this talk we deal with the strongly regular graph $T$, having parameters $(26,10,3,4)$ and the largest possible automorphism group $G=\aut(T)$ of order 120. The group $G$ in its action on the vertex set of $T$ has two orbits of length 20 and 6. Many special features of the graph $T$ and its group $G$ makes it a remarkable object in algebraic graph theory. In this talk after introducing the graph $T$ we pay special attention on the related combinatorial structures and showing a few different ways how to construct this graphs in the terms of the mentioned structures.
This work is joint with Mikhail Klin and Matan Ziv-Av.
Due to recent restrictions imposed on us in response to the worsening of the situation with Covid infections in Slovakia, we will switch to distance mode. You will receive an MS Teams link over which you will be able to follow the presentation, ask questions, comment, and possibly even offer some solutions. While it is not better than being personally in the lecture room, it is not a terrible way to keep in touch either. Let us hope that we will soon be able to attend the meetings in person.