Fakulta matematiky, fyziky
a informatiky
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

Doktorandské kolokvium KAI -Janka Boborová (9.12.2024)

v pondelok 9.12.2024 o 13:10 hod. v miestnosti I/9

07. 12. 2024 16.07 hod.
Od: Damas Gruska

Prednášajúci: Janka Boborová

Názov: Proposing an Evaluation Method for Abduction Algorithms

Termín: 9.12.2024, 13:10 hod., I/9

Abduction is a type of inference that aims to find a hypothetical explanation for a given observation based on background knowledge. Unlike deduction and induction, abduction is not yet fully explored and is interesting to investigate mainly in the ontologies and description logics area. It has been applied, for example, in medical diagnosis, criminology and model-based diagnosis.

Having researched several algorithms that can be used for any description logic regardless of its expressivity, we plan to compare them using our experimental abduction solver. However, there is no benchmark dataset for the abduction problem. Therefore, we propose a method for generating inputs using justifications. 

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