Fakulta matematiky, fyziky
a informatiky
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

Algebraic Graph Theory International Webinar (20.9.2022)

v utorok 20.9.2022 o 19:00 hod.

18. 09. 2022 10.52 hod.
Od: Róbert Jajcay

The organizers of the Algebraic Graph Theory International Webinar would like to invite you to join us and other colleagues on September 20, 2022, at 7pm Central European Summer Time (= 5pm UTC), for the next presentation delivered by Gareth Jones. 

The title of Martin's talk: Regular maps with primitive automorphism groups

This is work in progress with Martin Ma\v caj. We classify the automorphism groups $G$ of regular maps $\mathcal M$ which act faithfully and primitively on the vertices. As a permutation group $G$ must be of almost simple or affine type, with dihedral point stabilisers. We show that all such almost simple groups, namely all but a few groups ${\rm PSL}_2(q)$, ${\rm PGL}_2(q)$ and ${\rm Sz}(q)$, arise from regular maps, which are always non-orientable. In the affine case, the maps $\mathcal M$ occur in orientable and non-orientable Petrie dual pairs. We give details of the genus and the extended type of each map. Some of this builds on recent work of Jajcay, Li, \v Sir\'a\v n and Wang on quasiprimitive automorphism groups.


The Zoom link for this semester is: 
Meeting ID: 871 9332 0713
Passcode: 653250

Further details may be found at http://euler.doa.fmph.uniba.sk/AGTIW.html

where you can also find the slides and the recordings of our previous presentations. Also, if you wish to advertise an AGT friendly conference on this page, please send us the link.  

Hoping to see you at the webinar, and wishing you all the best. 

Isabel HubardRobert Jajcay and Primoz Potocnik