Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

Teaching Computer Science in combination

Bachelor's study program


Teaching Computer Science in combination



Usual duration:

3 years

Language of courses:

Slovak and English

Program director:

doc. PaedDr. Monika Tomcsányiová, PhD. (Computer Science)
prof. RNDr. Miroslav Prokša, CSc. (Pedagogy Basic)


doc. RNDr. Ľudmila Jašková, PhD.
Mgr. Karolína Miková, PhD.
doc. PaedDr. RNDr. Zuzana Haláková, PhD.
doc. RNDr. Štefan Karolčík, PhD.
Related study programs:  Master's study program Teaching Computer Science in combination

This program is offered only in Slovak languages.

Description of the Study Program

Preparation of students of teaching informatics in combination in the field of study 38. Teaching and pedagogical sciences within the 1st level of university study is a basic prerequisite for continuing studies at the 2nd level of university study in the relevant field of study and program and for obtaining a full qualification for the teaching profession. The study program is a study of a combination of two disciplines.

Graduates of the 1st degree of university studies (Bc.) In the study program teaching informatics in combination are qualified to perform the profession of teaching assistant, teaching assistant or as yet unqualified teacher at the secondary education level (according to current legislation) and work in school and out-of-school facilities such as support and support staff, event. as animators.

They have knowledge and experience of education in the field of various pedagogical and psychological disciplines explicitly related to the teaching profession (developmental and educational psychology, educational theory, general didactics, school management), they can put them into a broader context, connect and apply them in themselves. practice under the guidance of experienced professionals, training teachers. They understand the connections between the theory of education and teaching and pedagogical practice. They will acquire skills in the use of digital technologies in the teaching process and with their application in the teaching of computer science. During the bachelor's study, with regard to the future profession and the content of education, they developed evenly in three areas. Their knowledge base includes the basics of all disciplines of the respective two profile educational areas, or specializations and pedagogical-psychological disciplines.

What to Expect

The subjects of the study plan are designed to cover the proportional topics of the pedagogical and psychological basis of teaching and subject approvals. Within the overall concept of the bachelor's study program, out of the total number of 180 credits, 60 credits are dedicated to the common pedagogical-psychological basis of teaching, 60 credits to the first approbation subject and 60 credits to the second approbation subject. The compulsory subjects of the common basis of the bachelor's study program reflect the main topics of the core of the study field defined by the description and at the same time the current needs of teaching practice, leading to the development of pedagogical thinking, digital and psychological literacy of future teachers. The student will gain an overview of the basic principles of pedagogical thinking and theory and practice of education (Theoretical Foundations of Education, General Didactics and Pedagogical Communication), theories of cognitive and social development and personality formation in childhood and adolescence with emphasis on the educational context of these processes (Psychology for teachers 1 and 2), the organization and legislation of the school system (School Management) and digital support of the educational process (Digital Educational Technologies). A mandatory part of the core of the study program is the Pedagogical Practice focused on hospitalization activities and the development of students' professional orientation.

The subjects of the study plan of the bachelor's study of subject approbation of informatics are designed so as to proportionally cover theoretical and practical topics of informatics with emphasis on programming, to which the subjects Programming 1 to 3, realized in three semesters, are devoted. In other subjects Informatics 1 and Informatics 2, students will gain theoretical knowledge about various concepts of informatics such as science, which they did not have the opportunity to meet in high school. The subjects Mathematics for Informatics Teachers 1 to 2 are included in the program so that graduates acquire as much knowledge, experience and skills as possible from those areas of mathematics that are necessary for computer science teachers. Another line of subject approbation of informatics is the part of the study devoted to students gaining an overview of data structures - the subject Algorithms and data structures. The subjects Propaedeutics of Informatics Teaching 1 and 2 will enable students to get to know the State educational program, methodology of its creation and to design and implement, within seminars, to implement their own school educational programs and lessons on several key topics of school informatics. The group of courses Programming Etudes 1 and 2 will enable students to prepare to be able to guide their students in preparing for various programming competitions in primary and secondary school. After completing the courses, students will also be able to design and program small educational programs that will help students learn to experiment and understand more demanding computer concepts. If the graduate has a combined subject of mathematics, resp. biology, physics, geography, or the English language, will be able to support their teaching through the effective use of digital technologies in their second subject approval.

Final Thesis

With the bachelor's thesis, the student has to demonstrate the ability to independently acquire theoretical and practical knowledge and use them. The final thesis will be prepared by the student under the guidance of the thesis supervisor. The supervisor of the final thesis will prepare a written report on the final thesis and propose its evaluation. The final work is assessed by the opponent. The opponent will prepare a written report on the final thesis and propose its evaluation.

Graduates' Career Opportunities

At the time of graduation, the graduate is ready to perform the positions of teaching assistant (teaching assistant), unqualified teacher (according to applicable legislation) and support and support staff, event. as an animator in school and out-of-school facilities.

From the point of view of practice, students can apply as auxiliary teachers after the completion of the bachelor's degree, resp. teaching assistants. They can also apply for the position of pedagogical worker for children's extracurricular activities, support and support staff, possibly as an animator in school and out-of-school facilities, a civil servant for the relevant area and also a school administrative worker, e.g. computer network administrator.

Thanks to the programming skills that students acquire, they can find their application in banking or in state and public administration in positions that require software development and testing.