Doctoral Degree Programs
The scientific research conducted by our faculty is consistently ranked among the top in Slovakia. This makes our faculty one of the best places for doctoral studies. Teaching our students how to produce scientific results at the highest, internationally recognized level, is one of our most important goals.
We offer degrees in three programs in mathematical sciences, 8 programs in physical sciences, one program in computer science, as well as programs in education sciences. The current enrollment is about 150 doctoral students.
How to apply and what are the application requirements?
Enrollment opens at the beginning of March and closes by the end of April. Minimal requirements for the application include a completed Master level degree. Successful applicants begin their studies in September, and standard duration of our programs is four years (five years in external form). All doctoral students are expected to produce new and significant scientific results. These constitute a fundamental part of the student’s dissertation. The successful defense of the dissertation is a final requirement for graduation. Dissertation topics for the current academic year are to be found under the program descriptions.
Full-time students receive a monthly scholarship of approximately 1025,50 EUR (there are no taxes on scholarships). This amount is further increased by approximately 150 EUR after passing qualification exams by the end of the second year. Additional funds are often available to the most successful and productive students.
The Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University seeks applications from all qualified applicants and firmly believes in equal opportunity for everyone interested. Well prepared, motivated, and curious students are always welcome.
Prospective applicants in need of further information should contact the associate dean for doctoral studies at or at the phone number +421 (2) 65427642.
Available Doctoral Study Programs
- Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Biophysics
- Environmental Physics and Meteorology
- Physics of Condensed Matter and Acoustics
- Plasma Physics
- Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics
- Quantum Electronics, Optics and Optical Spectroscopy
- Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Education Sciences
General Admission Requirements
Doctoral studies are open to all master degree graduates as well as all students currently enrolled in the last year of a master degree program in any area.
Applicants from abroad must satisfy requirements equivalent to those of Slovak students. The accepted applicants must submit a proof of a completed master level education prior to starting their studies in September. Holders of degrees granted by institutions must also submit a Certificate of Equivalency.
In their application, applicants are to indicate the study program they are applying for, the selected dissertation topic (of those offered for the corresponding academic year), the prospective supervisor and the form of studies (full-time or external) they are applying for.
Further details concerning the application process as well as the entry exams are to be found at the link Admissions Process.
Tuition Fees
Study programs in the English language, if they are also available in the Slovak language at any university in Slovakia, are subject to tuition fees. (See also Fee Schedule.)
Study programs in the Slovak language are not a subject to tuition fees for the period of their standard duration, regardless of citizenship or residency status of the student. Students studying multiple study programs at the same time or studying longer than the standard duration of the program are subject to tuition fees.
Exact rules are governed by the Act on Higher Education Institutions and the Fee Schedule updated on yearly basis.
External studies are also subject to tuition determined by the tuition fee schedule for external studies. In special circumstances, students can apply for lowering or waiving the tuition fees.
Doctoral Scholarships
Full-time doctoral students who have permanent residency in the European Union are entitled to receive a scholarship for the entire standard duration of their studies. The scholarships are paid starting on the date of enrollment. The scholarship is determined in accordance with the tables included in the Law no. 553/2003 Z.z. as follows:
- prior to completion of the qualification exam: 1025,50 EUR (6th class, 1st level)
- after successful completion of the qualification exam: 1 194 EUR (7th class, 1st level)
Scholarships are not subject to taxes or other fees.
Doctoral studies are considered an equivalent to full time employment and in the majority of cases cannot be combined with another employment. Job holding applicants who intend to keep their job are advised to apply for the external (distance) form of doctoral studies. Doctoral students enrolled in the regular form are expected to participate in teaching activities such as conducting recitations or exam grading, in accordance with the needs of their corresponding departments.
Basic information about health insurance for foreigners
Considering the fact that Act No. 404/2011 Coll. (Act on the Residence of Foreigners) imposes an obligation on foreigners to conclude health insurance, it is the obligation of doctoral students, third-country residents (countries not belonging to the European Union and the European Economic Area), after being granted temporary residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic, to conclude health insurance no later than 3 working days from the day the foreigner received a document about their stay in Slovakia. Doctoral students conclude the respective health insurance individually through commercial health insurance.
Doctoral students from countries of the European Union, the European Economic Area, as well as doctoral students who are residents of the Slovak Republic and who have exceeded the age of 30, are obliged to conclude individual health insurance.
Individual commercial health insurance for foreigners can also be concluded by a person who is insured in another EU member state, for example, a doctoral student or postdoctoral fellow who is not yet an employee of the faculty and is insured in their country but is interested in comprehensive healthcare during their stay in Slovakia. Insurance in the home country of the EU serves only for necessary care, which in some cases may not be sufficient.
When concluding individual commercial insurance, the foreigner who is applying for insurance must fill out a health questionnaire, which also includes questions regarding their health status and lifestyle. Based on the evaluation of the questionnaire, the insurance company considers whether to conclude a contract with the foreigner. The potential pregnancy status of women is also assessed.
Scope of health insurance
A foreigner who pays for health insurance can pay for it in the scope of emergency medical care or comprehensive medical care.
- Emergency medical care applies to the following cases:
- treatment of injury, sudden illness, or acute pain
- prevention of immediate health or life-threatening situations
- bleeding cessation
- Comprehensive medical care applies to cases such as:
- injury and rehabilitation
- acute and chronic illnesses with subsequent treatment
- prevention, dispensary care, and monitoring of health status
- vaccination of children, pregnancy, and postnatal care
treatment of illnesses that occurred before coming to Slovakia, if the client informed the insurance company about them when concluding health insurance
Repatriation of the deceased to the home country is also covered by comprehensive health insurance for foreigners.
The territorial validity of the selected type of insurance also depends on it. Generally, with lower insurance packages, the foreigner is insured in the territory of Slovakia, and with higher packages, they are insured in the territory of the entire Schengen Area.
Union zdravotná poisťovňa, a.s.
Dôvera zdravotná poisťovňa, a.s.
AXA pojišťovna, a.s., pobočka poisťovne z iného členského štátu