Bachelor's Degree Programs
The faculty offers bachelor degree education in mathematics, physics, and informatics, as well as teacher's training in these subjects. All programs are accredited in both Slovak and English languages.
Legend: Not all programs are available in all languages. Programs marked by (sk) are available in the Slovak language, programs marked by (en) are available in the English language.
The faculty offers the following bachelor degree programs:
- Mathematics (sk)
- Mathematics of Economy and Finance (sk)
- Managerial Mathematics (sk)
- Insurance Mathematics (sk)
- Physics (sk, conv)
- Biomedical Physics (sk)
- Renewable Energy Sources and Environmental Physics (sk, conv)
- Technical Physics (sk, conv)
Computer Science
- Computer Science (sk)
- Applied Informatics (sk)
- Bioinformatics (sk, conv)
- Data Science (sk, conv)
Teacher Training and Education Science (in combination of two subjects)
- Teaching Mathematics in combination with physics, computer science, descriptive geometry, or physical education (sk)
- Teaching Descriptive Geometry in combination with mathematics (sk)
- Teaching Physics in combination with mathematics or computer science (sk)
- Teaching Computer Science in combination with mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, geography and english language and literature (sk)