Postdoctoral positions
In addition to bachelor's, master's, and doctoral studies, the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics at Comenius University offers the opportunity for postdoctoral stays at its workplaces and departments for promising scientists in the fields of mathematics, physics, and informatics.
Once a year, the faculty regularly publishes offers for young graduates of doctoral studies. Interested parties will find specific information regarding the application deadline, application requirements, financial, and other conditions on this webpage.
Basic Information
In accordance with the Rector's Directive of Comenius University in Bratislava (Internal Regulation No. 4 of Comenius University in Bratislava "Postdoctoral Stays at Comenius University in Bratislava"), which is based on the recommendations of the European Charter for Researchers, a "postdoctoral researcher" is understood to be a graduate of the third level of higher education (the holders of a title PhD), who completed their study at a university other than Comenius University Bratislava, no later than three years before the allocation of the postdoctoral stay and who are under of 35 years of age.
A postdoctoral stay is based on a fixed-term employment contract for a duration of one year. Alongside with the employment contract, the postdoctoral researcher also concludes a grant agreement (see link provided below). The postdoctoral stay is linked to the implementation of grant projects, for which the host of the postdoctoral researcher is typically the principal investigator.
Based on a positive evaluation of the postdoctoral researcher's work, the stay may be extended, however, the total duration of the postdoctoral stay have not to exceed three years.
When extending the stay or the employment contract, the condition regarding the time limit of completing doctoral studies and the age requirement is no longer considered.
There is no legal entitlement to the extension or renewal of the employment contract.
Postdoctoral positions - current offers
Postdoctoral fellow on neutrino physics experiments 12. 07. 2021
The Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava seeks candidates for a...
Postdoctoral fellow in the area of Extremal locally uniform...12. 07. 2021
The Department of Algebra and Geometry, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava seeks candidates for a postdoctoral...
Postdoctoral researcher - Optics and Lasers12. 07. 2021
temporary position with 1-year contract (with possible prolongation for another year), non-academic
2 Post-Doc positions in environmental/biomedical plasma...12. 07. 2021
Division of Environmental Physics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia is currently seeking highly...
Postdoctoral research fellowship in high-energy physics...14. 07. 2021
The Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, Comenius University Bratislava is seeking candidates for a...
Postdoctoral positions22. 04. 2021
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, is seeking highly motivated researchers holding a PhD. Not...
Other institutions providing funding opportunities for FMFI UK
Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic
Through its VAIA unit (Research and Innovation Authority), which deals with research and innovations, eight calls for support of research and innovation have been announced. Detailed information can be found on the VAIA pages:
Particularly significant for FMFI UK is the “Call for Submission of Applications for Funding under the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism,” which focuses on R2-R4 researchers (Fellowships for Excellent Researchers R2-R4, Call Code 09I03-03-V04, Component 9). Within this call, up to 43% of the funds are allocated for physical, technical, and mathematical sciences.
Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV)
In the past, the faculty has successfully participated in the calls of the SASPRO 2 program (Slovak Academic and Scientific Program – part of the Horizon 2020 scheme), which brought together three top Slovak scientific and research institutions: SAV, UK, and STU. FMFI UK was active in facilitating return stays for Slovak experts working abroad by creating positions suitable for their professional and scientific realization, thus contributing to the faculty's positive results. Currently, this call is closed, but SAV is undertaking activities with the aim of announcing the SASPRO 3 call, which presents prospects for FMFI UK as well.
Slovak Academic Information Agency (SAIA)
Within the “National Scholarship Program,” it ensures the internationalization of education and science in Slovakia without regional limits. More information is available on the agency's website:
Category “C” applies to postdoctoral researchers invited by an institution in Slovakia.
Other programs of this agency, such as CEPUS and the Austria-Slovakia Action, are regionally defined. More information about them can also be found on the agency’s website (English version). Important information regarding, for example, health insurance, is available on the National Scholarship Program pages.
European Commission
It also publishes calls related to postdoctoral positions through link:
Current postdoctoral positions
In 2023, FMFI UK Bratislava has offered 13 new positions for prospective postdoctoral researchers.
For excellent researchers affected by the war in Ukraine, the faculty prepared four postdoctoral positions. Three positions were filled at the Department of Experimental Physics:
- Dr. Mykhaylo Bilogovskyy, who collaborates with Associate Professor Maroš Gregor,
- Dr. Ihor Shpetnyy, who collaborates on the project of Associate Professor Tomáš Pleceník,
- Dr. Olena Zhytlukhina, whose host is Dr. Leonid Satrapinskyy.
- The fourth position created at the Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics remained unfilled due to objective reasons related to the winning applicant.
Based on the call from the Rectorate of UK, six candidates were selected at FMFI UK:
- Dr. Shasha Zheng, who works under the supervision of Professor Róbert Jajcay at the Department of Algebra and Geometry,
- Dr. Moumene Imane, who collaborates with Professor Fedor Šimkovic at the Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics,
- Dr. Bernard Gitura Kimani works at the Department of Astronomy, Earth Physics, and Meteorology with Professor Zdenko Machala,
- Dr. Ivan Alexander Urbina Medina works at the Department of Experimental Physics under the guidance of Professor Pavel Veis,
- A new position was created in the Department of Astronomy, Earth Physics, and Meteorology by Associate Professor Hensel. However, the position remained unfilled due to personal reasons of the applicant.
Based on the call from FMFI UK, three postdoctoral positions were filled:
- Dr. Eugenia Boffo works at the Department of Theoretical Physics under the supervision of Associate Professor Tomáš Blažek,
- Dr. Vahideh Ilbeigi works at the Department of Experimental Physics under the supervision of Professor Štefan Matejčík,
- Dr. Nicholas Hananea will work at the Department of Applied Informatics under the supervision of Professor Ľubica Beňušková.
Currently, Professor Zdenko Machala and Professor Pavel Veis have created a joint postdoctoral position, which is filled by Dr. Atikukke Sahithya.
These postdoctoral researchers selected in previous periods continue their work at the faculty:
- As part of the SASPRO 2 program, which belongs under the Horizon 2020 scheme and brings together three top Slovak scientific and research institutions - SAV, UK, and STU, two new returning postdoctoral position was filled in 2022, Dr. Martin Krššák, who works at the Department of Theoretical Physics under the supervision of Associate Professor Tomáš Blažek and Dr. František Herman, who continues his research activities at the Department of Experimental Physics.
- Dr. Vahideh Ilbeigi, under the supervision of Professor Štefan Matejčík, successfully completed the MCSA Maria Curie project and continues within the faculty's call,
- Dr. Oleh Turutanov, who started collaboration in 2022, is a researcher affected by the conflict in Ukraine and continues to collaborate with Professor Miroslav Grajcar.
Based on calls from FMFI UK and the Rectorate of UK, the following postdoctoral researchers were accepted for positions in 2021 and 2022, whose research is ongoing or whose tenure was extended:
In the Department of Experimental Physics:
- Dr. Sukumaran Vanibhapeedikayil Dhanada, who collaborates with Professor Pavel Veis,
At the Department of Astronomy, Earth Physics, and Meteorology:
- Dr. Vazquez Thomas continues to work under the supervision of Professor Zdenko Machala.
Duties of the Guarantors (Hosts) and Postdoctoral Researchers
The duties of the postdoctoral researcher and the guarantor are regulated by the Rector's Directive of Comenius University in Bratislava, specifically internal regulation no. 2/2025 from January 2025.
The primary duty of the guarantors is to develop a professional growth plan for the postdoctoral researcher within 14 days of the postdoctoral researcher's commencement of their postdoctoral stay. This plan is approved by the dean of the faculty and is binding. It includes detailed information about the stay, particularly:
- Formal requirements,
- Connection to a project,
- Content and objectives of the stay, including a timeline,
- Expected outcomes,
- The end date of the postdoctoral stay.
During the postdoctoral researcher's tenure at the faculty, the guarantor ensures that the working conditions for the postdoctoral researcher are in line with the labor code, internal regulations of Comenius University and the faculty, and the collective agreement of Comenius University.
The basic duties of the postdoctoral researchers are:
- To fulfill the professional growth plan,
- Publish the results of scientific activities related to the research project that the doctoral student is working on or contributing to,
- To present the results of their scientific work at a workplace (department) seminar at least once per half year,
- Before the end of the postdoctoral stay, at the date set by the dean of the faculty, to submit a report on the results achieved during the stay to the dean of the faculty and the vice-rector for science and doctoral studies of Comenius University.
Services for Postdoctoral Researches
Dining Options at FMFI UK and its surroundings can be found using the link below:
Procedure and documents necessary for the legalization of residence for students and faculty staff coming from abroad
Arrangement of temporary residence
The terms of entry, stay, and issuance of documents for the foreigners in the territory of the Slovak Republic are legally regulated by the provisions of the Act No. 404/2011 Coll. and the relevant amendments.
Postdoctoral fellows/doctoral students who are EU residents
The stay of EU residents in the territory of Slovakia is regulated by § 112, section 1, and the stay of their family members by section 2.
EU residents have the right to stay for three months from the date of entry into the Slovak Republic without any other conditions and formal requirements. During this stay, they prove their identity either with a valid identity card or a travel document.
However, the EU citizens also have the obligation to register at the relevant department of the foreign police within 10 working days (as well as their family members) if accommodated privately. In practice, this means filling in the "Registration of Stay" form (Slovak version, English version), which is delivered to the relevant foreign police department, for example, as registered letter. If the EU citizen is accommodated through a public accommodation provider, the provider fulfills this obligation and invites the foreigner to fill in the registration form and ensures its delivery to the police department within five days from the beginning of the accommodation.
Postdoctoral fellows/doctoral students from third countries
The obligations of nationals of third countries are dealt with in § 111, section 2, which imposes on the holder of a national visa (or Schengen visa) the obligation to inform the relevant foreign police department about the beginning, place, and expected duration of their stay within three working days. This obligation is fulfilled by filling in the form "Registration of Stay" (Slovak version, English version) and delivering it to the relevant foreign police department, e.g. by registered letter.
At the same time, postdoctoral fellows and doctoral students from third countries have the obligation to obtain a residence permit. The postdoctoral fellows and the doctoral students have the option of priority processing. To this end, an online application must be submitted through the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic in cooperation with the host or supervisor..
The annex to this application is either an acceptance letter or the employement contract or the future contract agreement (postdoctoral fellows) or a decision on admission (doctoral students) and also the completed form "Žiadosť o udelenie prechodného pobytu/Application for the temporary residence".
Based on this application, the foreign police will assign the applicant a term when the postdoctoral fellow or doctoral student shall appear at its office and submit the following documents, which must not be older than 3 months (90 days):
- a valid travel document,
- two photos with dimensions 3x3.5 cm
- a completed application for temporary residence in hard copy,
- a confirmation of the purpose of the stay (acceptance letter, or employment contract or contract for future employment in the case of postdoctoral fellows, a decision on admission to doctoral study in the case of doctoral student),
- a certificate of good conduct, which is fulfilled by an authorized copy of the criminal record of the country in which the postdoctoral fellow or doctoral student has stayed for more than 90 days during the last three years and which relates to the entire country (not to a specific state of the country, district, etc.),
- a document proving financial security for the stay, for this purpose an acceptance letter is submitted, stating the amount that the postdoctoral fellow will receive in the form of a salary during his/her stay at the faculty, or another relevant document issued by the faculty. In the case of doctoral student, the "Scholarship Certificate" issued by the Doctoral study department is submitted.
- a document proving accommodation arrangements
- a hosting agreement (postdoctoral researchers). The agreement text can be found in the next section.
All submitted documents must be in Slovak language or translated into Slovak by a translator authorized for official translations. A list of authorized translators can be found on the website of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic.
In case the subject of the translation is not the original document but only its copy, it is necessary to confirm the conformity of this copy with the original at any notary office in the Slovak Republic or any registry office in the territory of the Slovak Republic.
The postdoctoral fellow cooperates with his/her host and the personnel department of the faculty to secure the necessary documentation.
The doctoral student secures the necessary documentation in cooperation with the Doctoral study department of the faculty and his/her supervisor.
Pursuant to Section 131k, paragraph 2 of Act No. 404/2011 Coll. on the Stay of Foreigners, a third-country national who has submitted a request for a temporary residence under Section 31, paragraph 3, or permanent residence under Section 44, paragraph 1, at a police department is entitled to stay in the territory of the Slovak Republic until a decision on this request is made.
Health insurance for foreigners
Basic information about health insurance for foreigners
Postdoctoral fellows, who are employed at the faculty based on an employment contract, regardless of the countries they come from, are therefore in an employment relationship with the faculty, are provided with health insurance through the faculty in the form of public health insurance.
Apart from the option of communicating with the foreign police as outlined in the section "Procedure and documents required for the legalization of residents for students and faculty staff coming from abroad", which remains a priority, it is currently possible to approach the Foreign Police Department in Bratislava personally on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 07:30 AM to 03:30 PM. Here, you can arrange not only residence matters but also all other life situations, inquire about the status of the temporary residence application, etc., as is specified in the following link:
Notification for Hosts:
Due to the faculty being assigned a new permit number for accepting foreigners to conduct research and development activities, this information have to be included in the hosting agreement in Article I, point 1).
The new permit number is:
2024/7578:2-D1220, dated March 7, 2024.