Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

Meteor Spectra




Meteor spectroscopy - Introduction

Research of meteors and small interplantery bodies has a rich history and occupies a large part of the astrophysical science in Slovakia. In the last few years, the Slovak Video Meteor Network was established to provide a year-round detection of meteors above Slovakia. Currently, the network consists of four all-sky AMOS system and derived data products are used for research on dynamical and physical parameters of meteoroid streams and the sporadic background. To capture more physical parameters and chemistry of meteors, in 2013 a first spectrograph was mounted to AMOS for detailed study of the meteor trail emission. In 2013 in a cooperation with the Public Observatory in Valašské Meziříčí in Czech Republic, two additional spectral cameras were attached to existing AMOS stations at observatories of Teide and Roque de los Muchacos on Canary Islands. Since December 2016, additional spectral system was installed at 2 AMOS stations in San Pedro de Atacama in Chile. The spectroscopy of meteors allows the study of chemical composition of meteoroids and physical phenomena related to their atmospheric disintegration. The combination of derived dynamical, chemical and physical parameters provides a complex insight on the population of meteoroids in the Solar System and their relations with the parent asteroids and comets.




Meteor showers and sporadic spectra by AMOS-Spec (Toth J., Matlovič P., Rudawska R., Zigo P., Kalmančok D.)

Physical properties of meteoroids (Pavol Matlovič)

Spektrá meteorov zo systému AMOS-Spec (P. Matlovič, J. Tóth, R. Rudawska)

Meteor spectra from AMOS video system (Regina Rudawska, Juraj Tóth, Dušan Kalmančok, Pavol Zigo, Pavol Matlovič, Planetary and Space Science 123 (2016), 25–32

Spectra and physical properties of Taurid meteoroids (Pavol Matlovič, Juraj Tóth, Regina Rudawska, Leonard Kornoš)

Meteor spectra - AGO Modra


Meteor spectra - Canary Islands

Meteor spectra - Chile