Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava


Correspondence Address

Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky
Univerzity Komenského
Mlynská dolina F1
842 48 Bratislava

Phone: +421 2 602 95 111 (general inquiries)
Phone: +421 2 654 26 720 (dean's administrative office)
Fax.: +421 2 654 12 305

E-mail.: sdfmph.uniba.sk

Mail services (opening hours):
Mon - Fri  9:00-11:00, 12:00-14:30

IČO: 00397865
IČ DPH: SK 2020845332

Opening Hours of Faculty Buildings

Main entrance - Building F1
Mlynská dolina 6280

dean's administrative office, office of the dean, mail services, graduate studies office, lecture halls F1, F2, F-108, F-109, physics departments, buildings F1, F2

Opening hours:
business days: 6:00-22:00
weekends and holidays: 6:00-22:00

A permit of a department chair is required to enter the premises outside of opening hours.

Security may require visitors to declare the purpose of the visit and to enter personal details in the visitor's book. Proof of identity, such as a student card, an employee card, or an identity card may be required to enter the premises.

Entrance - Building M
Mlynská dolina 6284

registrar's office, lecture halls A, B, C, aquarium lecture halls, mathematics and computer science deparments, library, building M and I

Opening hours:
business days: 6:00-20:15
weekends and holidays: closed

Outside of opening hours, it is possible to enter buildings M and I through the main entrance in building F1.

Sports Building
Mlynská dolina 5298

Opening hours:
business days: 9:00-17:00
weekends and holidays: closed