Quantum Electronics, Optics and Optical Spectroscopy
Doctoral Degree Program
Field: | Physics |
Form: | full time / external |
Usual duration: | full time form 4 years, external form 5 years |
Language of courses: | English |
Program director: | |
Co-Guarantors: | doc. RNDr. Mário Janda, PhD. |
Related study programs: | master's degree programs Optics, Lasers, and Optical Spectroscopy |
Description of the Study Program
Laser physics, optical technologies, optical diagnostic methods are currently the basis of many key technologies in the industry. 3rd degree education in this specialization in the Slovak Republic is currently provided only by FMPI CU. The presented study program has a unique character in Slovakia and it can be assumed that the demand for its graduates will increase in the future.
The graduate of the third degree of the study program Quantum Electronics, Optics and Optical Spectroscopy has a good overview of laser physics, optics, optical and laser spectroscopy, masters the mathematical apparatus, theoretical and experimental methods standardly used to solve problems in this area of specialization. He also has deep knowledge in his field of specialization on a global scale, mainly in laser physics, laser spectroscopy, and ultra-fast physics but also in physical electronics, in the design of experimental and measuring equipment, in the physics of surfaces and thin films, laser processes and chemical reactions. , chemical physics and biomedical applications of radiation and lasers. Last but not least, the graduate has experience with applications and diagnostic methods in such serious European projects as EUROfusion (diagnostics of future reactor walls in thermonuclear fusion).
An important part of his education is also monitoring the literature, communication with colleagues abroad, presentation of his own results at foreign conferences and in foreign cooperation, he can creatively apply the acquired knowledge in practice and acquires the ability to develop his own scientific discipline.
What to Expect
The study program is composed of theoretical and experimentally oriented subjects leading to independent scientific work, seminars supporting the development of the ability to formulate and solve scientific hypotheses, and to improve the ability to present their results in domestic and international scientific forums. In the first year of study, emphasis is placed on advanced knowledge of basic subjects in the field of optics, lasers and optical spectroscopy, which are supplemented by subjects focused on the topic of a specific dissertation. The doctoral student has a choice of subjects covering a wide range of issues. At the same time, he works to expand his knowledge of the study of journal literature in order to obtain an overview of the current state of issues related to the topic of the work.
In the second year, the doctoral student continues to study foreign literature, increases his / her professional and linguistic proficiency, and completes his / her knowledge in one of the compulsory elective and elective subjects related to the topic of the dissertation. In the first half of the second year, he elaborates the methodology of the dissertation into the written thesis for the dissertation examination. Her defence takes place together with an exam in the field of laser physics and optical spectroscopy.
In the third and fourth year, the doctoral student's activities are focused mainly on solving the topic of the dissertation, presentation of achieved scientific results in written form in scientific articles and oral form at international and domestic scientific conferences. Participates in solving scientific projects of the trainer, resp. seeks to obtain its own research projects (e.g. a Comenius University grant). The culmination of his doctoral research during his doctoral studies is the submission and public defence of his dissertation, which documents the acquired knowledge, the ability to formulate scientific goals and fulfil them in accordance with the latest scientific knowledge and trends in the field of study.
Graduates' Career Opportunities
Graduates of the study program Quantum Electronics, Optics and Optical Spectroscopy can apply:
- In the academic sphere (universities, research institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences ...) as independent researchers or assistant professors. Completion of the program and obtaining a PhD degree. it enables them to further their career growth and obtain the qualification of an independent researcher or associate professor habilitation.
- In research institutions at home and in the EU using lasers, laser processes and laser diagnostics (ELI, JRC, EURO fusion consortium), mainly as researchers and later as leaders of research teams.
- In the private sector in technology companies focused on innovative research in advanced technologies and nano-technologies with a focus on laser processes and laser diagnostics. Furthermore, in applied research focused on microelectronics (laser processes, VUV lithography, thin film deposition and control), analytical methods in chemistry (LA ICP MS, LIBS, ...), medicine (development - laser scalpels, laser-controlled operation, laser diagnostics of malignant tissues, ...), the environment (LIBS detection of heavy elements and hazardous substances), waste management (online laser element analysis for waste sorting) or in the field of thermonuclear fusion for a sustainable energy future for mankind.
During the doctoral study, the student participates in research within EU projects or in cooperation with practice, and is an important part of the scientific team that solves several, often complex scientific problems and tasks. The student is responsible for managing and solving some subtasks. The acquired soft skills will enable him to offer a better offer and higher positions on the labour market in the field in Slovakia and in the EU.
Laser physics, optical technologies, optical diagnostic methods are currently the basis of many key technologies in the industry and it can be expected that the situation will be maintained in the future, respectively, with the development of nano-technology will strengthen. 3rd degree education in this specialization in the Slovak Republic is currently provided only by FMPI CU. The presented study program has a unique character in Slovakia and it can be assumed that the demand for its graduates will increase in the future.
Doctoral Scholarships
Full-time doctoral students who have permanent residency in the European Union are entitled to receive a scholarship for the entire standard duration of their studies. The scholarships are paid starting on the date of enrollment. The scholarship is determined in accordance with the tables included in the Law no. 553/2003 Z.z. as follows:
- prior to completion of the qualification exam: 1025,50 EUR (6th class, 1st level)
- after successful completion of the qualification exam: 1 194 EUR (7th class, 1st level)
Scholarships are not subject to taxes or other fees.
Doctoral studies are considered an equivalent to full time employment and in the majority of cases cannot be combined with another employment. Job holding applicants who intend to keep their job are advised to apply for the external (distance) form of doctoral studies. Doctoral students enrolled in the regular form are expected to participate in teaching activities such as conducting recitations or exam grading, in accordance with the needs of their corresponding departments.
List of Supervisors
Mgr. Ignác Bugár, PhD. (CVTI SR/MLC)
doc. Dr. Peter Čermák, PhD.
Mgr. Milan Držík, CSc. (CVTI SR/MLC)
doc. RNDr. Karol Hensel, PhD.
doc. RNDr. Mário Janda, PhD.
Ing. Matej Jergel, DrSc. (SAV)
Mgr. Miroslav Kocifaj, DrSc.
doc. RNDr. František Kundracik, PhD.
RNDr. Eva Majková, DrSc.
doc. Dr. Alicia Marín Roldán
prof. RNDr. Zdenko Machala, DrSc.
RNDr. Naďa Mrkývková, DrSc.
doc. RNDr. Dr. Tomáš Roch
Dr.rer.nat. Peter Šiffalovič, DrSc.
prof. RNDr. Pavel Veis, CSc.
doc. RNDr. Anna Zahoranová, PhD.
Thesis Topics for Academic Year 2024/2025
- Plasma catalysis for dry methane reforming and flue gas cleaning
(supervisor: doc. RNDr. Karol Hensel, PhD.), form: full time - Use of cold plasma and photocatalytic effect in indoor air decontamination
(supervisor: prof. RNDr. Zdenko Machala, DrSc.), form: full time - Impact and control of cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) reactive chemical species on liquids and biological materials
(supervisor: prof. RNDr. Zdenko Machala, DrSc.), form: full time - Elemental mapping using LIBS imaging
(supervisor: doc. RNDr. Dr. techn. Tomáš Roch/prof. RNDr. Pavel Veis, CSc.), form: full time - LIBS signal enhancement by RF and MW discharge for elemental analysis
(supervisor: RNDr. Michal Stano, CSc./prof. RNDr. Pavel Veis, CSc.), form: full time
Institute of Physics SAS:
- Quantum optics systems for fundamental studies and applications
(supervisor: MSc. Djeylan Vincent Ceylan Aktas, PhD.),form: full time - Time-resolved redox reactions in solid-state batteries
(supervisor: Dr. rer. nat. Peter Šiffalovič, DrSc.), form: full time