Iterative Learning Control for Equations with Fractional...02. 12. 2022
Part of the book series: Studies in Systems, Decision and Contro
Fukushima Accident: 10 Years After01. 06. 2022
Prof. Povinec together with Japanese colleagues recently published a new book on the Fukushima accident
The Principia : Mathematical Principles of Natural...08. 11. 2021
Doc. Juraj Šebesta translated to Slovak language books by sir Isaac Newton
Physics in blind alleys / Juraj Tekel12. 07. 2021
Juraj Tekel, from the Department of theoretical physics of the Faculty of mathematics, physics and informatics CU in Bratislava, describes in his popular...
Mind as an Object / Martin Takáč18. 11. 2020
Martin Takáč, whose professional interest is in computer simulations of the human mind and developing so-called "digital people", in his essay "Mind as an...
Classical Systemas in Quantum Mechanics / Pavel Bóna03. 08. 2020
Addresses the knotty problem of the quantum-classical divide. Adopts two approaches for describing classical systems in the framework of quantum...
Fractional Hermite-Hadamard Inequalities / JinRong Wang,...19. 06. 2018
[Translate to English:] This book extends classical Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities to the fractional case via establishing fractional integral identities,...
Fractional-Order Equations and Inclusions / Michal Fečkan,...19. 06. 2018
[Translate to English:] This book presents fractional difference, integral, differential, evolution equations and inclusions, and discusses existence and...