Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava


In Slovakia, our faculty is consistently ranked as the top research faculty among institutions with the focus on natural sciences. The faculty main research themes are as follows: 


  1. Applications of qualitative and quantitative methods of mathematics and statistics in natural, technical, and economic sciences
  2. Algebraic and geometric structures and discrete mathematics
  3. Methods of mathematical analysis and their applications to dynamical systems 


  1. Physical mechanisms in living systems and their use in biomedicine and biotechnology
  2. Nanotechnologies, materials, and new technologies
  3. Field physics, subatomic and atomic particles and their applications
  4. Physical mechanisms of processes in the environmental system and their use to predict its variations 

Computer Science

  1. Information processing laws and their applications to new information and communication technologies
  2. Methods and tools of computer science to support the knowledge society

Research Results, Seminars, Publications


A new approach to anti-tumour therapy was published on October 27, 2017 in the International Journal of Nanomedicine. Members of the multidisciplinary team...

Magnetic devices and their energy landscapes02. 11. 2017

Elimination of mechanical parts in hard drives would allow us to significantly increase their speed, reliability and lifespan. Indeed, it is possible to...

Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems / Paweł...26. 09. 2017

[Translate to English:] This book is aimed primarily towards physicists and mechanical engineers specializing in modeling, analysis, and control of...

Nonlinear Optics / Vladimír Mesároš, Anton Štrba, Dagmar...21. 12. 2016

The textbook Nonlinear Optics gives a comprehensive and according to unitary criteria sequenced view of the basic nonlinear optical phenomena, that results...

Maximization of memory capacity in echo state neural...12. 12. 2016

The method consists in reservoir orthogonalization of the neural network that brings it to the regime at the edge of stability, allowing the network to get...

Creating new layered structures at high pressures: SiS205. 12. 2016

Scientific Reports, 25th November, 2016. Authors: Dušan Plašienka, Roman Martoňák from Department of Experimental Physics (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and...

Evolution of killer whales is compelled by cultural impact04. 06. 2016

That is the outcome of a study published on May 31st, 2016 in the Nature Communications magazine, which was initiated by Dr. Andrew Foote of the Bern...

Poincaré-Andronov-Melnikov Analysis for Non-Smooth Systems...24. 05. 2016

Poincaré-Andronov-Melnikov Analysis for Non-Smooth Systems is devoted to the study of bifurcations of periodic solutions for general n-dimensional...

Two awards Scientist of the Year for FMPI15. 05. 2016

Two of five Scientist of the Year awards went to the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics in the 19th Science of the Year Contest 2015. The ceremony...

Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Physics Classes in...11. 04. 2016

Critical thinking, being a general competency, is usable in different professions and areas of human life. In most professions, the crucial ability is to be...

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