Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava


In Slovakia, our faculty is consistently ranked as the top research faculty among institutions with the focus on natural sciences. The faculty main research themes are as follows: 


  1. Applications of qualitative and quantitative methods of mathematics and statistics in natural, technical, and economic sciences
  2. Algebraic and geometric structures and discrete mathematics
  3. Methods of mathematical analysis and their applications to dynamical systems 


  1. Physical mechanisms in living systems and their use in biomedicine and biotechnology
  2. Nanotechnologies, materials, and new technologies
  3. Field physics, subatomic and atomic particles and their applications
  4. Physical mechanisms of processes in the environmental system and their use to predict its variations 

Computer Science

  1. Information processing laws and their applications to new information and communication technologies
  2. Methods and tools of computer science to support the knowledge society

Research Results, Seminars, Publications

Mind as an Object / Martin Takáč18. 11. 2020

Martin Takáč, whose professional interest is in computer simulations of the human mind and developing so-called "digital people", in his essay "Mind as an...

Reentry and disintegration of a rocket booster above Hawaii27. 10. 2020

A unique celestial event was captured by the AMOS systems at Haleakalā and Maunakea Observatories in Hawaii.

Classical Systemas in Quantum Mechanics / Pavel Bóna03. 08. 2020

Addresses the knotty problem of the quantum-classical divide. Adopts two approaches for describing classical systems in the framework of quantum...

From disordered molecules to distorted chains and back06. 04. 2020

Experimental and theoretical study of polyamorphism in SO2 was on April 3, 2020 published in the prestigious multidisciplinary journal PNAS (Proceedings of the...

New PANGAIA Project: Developing Computational Pangenomics30. 01. 2020

Milan, January 29, 2020. Computational Biology Research Group at Comenius University is a member of a consortium of researchers from five European universities...

Researchers from the faculty helped to decipher the...17. 01. 2020

January 17, 2020. The Computational Biology Research Group at the faculty collaborated on sequencing and analysis of the giant squid, a legendary creature...

AMOS recorded a bright meteor over the Canary Islands16. 10. 2019

On October 1st 2019 at 00:02:46 UTC AMOS all-sky systems of the Comenius University in Bratislava and the sky cameras of Grantecan (Gran Telescopio Canarias)...


Prof. Matejčík and Dr. Országh for Radio Slovakia International presented the research of the Division of Plasma Physics at the Department of Experimental...

Physics Education / Peter Demkanin14. 11. 2018

for Pre-Service and In-Service Physics Teachers

Non-Instantaneous Impulsive Differential Equations /...14. 11. 2018

Basic theory and computation

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