Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava


Friday Seminar of Physics - Václav Janiš (15.2.2017)09. 02. 2017

Wednesday 15.2.2017 at 14:00, Lecture room F2/272

E. I. Gordon : Will the Nonstandard Analysis be the...08. 02. 2017

Friday 17.2.2017 at 14:00, Lecture room M/126

Seminar on Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations -...07. 02. 2017

Monday 20.2.2017 at 16:00, Lecture room M/223

Seismology Seminar - prof. Dr. Heiner Igel (30.1.2017)27. 01. 2017

Monday 30.1.2017 at 14:30 hod., Lecture room F1/219

Seminar of Plasma Physics - Deanna Lacoste (26.1.2017)23. 01. 2017

Thursday 26.1.2017 at 14:00, Lecture room F2/51

[Translate to English:] Seminár z fyziky plazmy - Satoshi...22. 03. 2017

[Translate to English:] vo štvrtok 19.1.2017 o 14:00 hod. v miestnosti F2/51

Nonlinear Optics / Vladimír Mesároš, Anton Štrba, Dagmar...21. 12. 2016

The textbook Nonlinear Optics gives a comprehensive and according to unitary criteria sequenced view of the basic nonlinear optical phenomena, that results...

Seminar of Graph Theory - Robert Lukoťka (15.12.2016)13. 12. 2016

Thursday 15.12.2016 at 9:50, Lecture room M/213

Friday Seminar of Physics - Juraj Hašík (16.12.2016)12. 12. 2016

Friday 16.12.2016 at 14:00, Lecture room F2/272

Maximization of memory capacity in echo state neural...12. 12. 2016

The method consists in reservoir orthogonalization of the neural network that brings it to the regime at the edge of stability, allowing the network to get...

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