Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

Selected Research Results

Magnetic devices and their energy landscapes02. 11. 2017

Elimination of mechanical parts in hard drives would allow us to significantly increase their speed, reliability and lifespan. Indeed, it is possible to...

Maximization of memory capacity in echo state neural...12. 12. 2016

The method consists in reservoir orthogonalization of the neural network that brings it to the regime at the edge of stability, allowing the network to get...

Creating new layered structures at high pressures: SiS205. 12. 2016

Scientific Reports, 25th November, 2016. Authors: Dušan Plašienka, Roman Martoňák from Department of Experimental Physics (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and...

Evolution of killer whales is compelled by cultural impact04. 06. 2016

That is the outcome of a study published on May 31st, 2016 in the Nature Communications magazine, which was initiated by Dr. Andrew Foote of the Bern...

Two awards Scientist of the Year for FMPI15. 05. 2016

Two of five Scientist of the Year awards went to the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics in the 19th Science of the Year Contest 2015. The ceremony...

A baby´s DNA is hidden in the mother´s blood. What does it...14. 01. 2016

Informatics PhD students at the FMPI, MSc Budiš and MSc Ďuriš, participate in the development of a unique medical test.

The Spanish king inaugurated the AMOS UK system28. 06. 2015

Bratislava/Teide, Tenerife June 28th, 2015. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of astronomical observatories in the Canary Islands the Spanish king Felipe...

Seven top teams of FMPI24. 06. 2015

In May 2015 the Accreditation committee assessed the pilot project in identification of top teams at Slovak universities. Seven teams of FMPI won the title,...

A unique hydrogen sensor from FMPI21. 05. 2015

The team of the Department of the Experimental Physics led by Prof. Plecenik designed a unique hydrogen sensor applicable not only in the automobile industry....

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