Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

Abstracts of Dissertation Theses


Models of infectious disease and their numerical solution - Mgr. Ján Gašper, DiS. art.

Defense: 6.9.2024
Study Program: Applied Mathematics
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Daniel Ševčovič, DrSc.

Nonsmooth fractional differential equations - Mgr. Ivana Eliašová

Defense: 26.8.2024
Study Program: Mathematics
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Michal Fečkan, DrSc.

Duality in Convex Optimization Problems - Mgr. Jakub Hrdina

Defense: 26.8.2024
Study Program: Applied Mathematics
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Mária Trnovská, PhD.

Analysis of the guaranteed fund of the pension system in Slovakia - Mgr. Matúš Padyšák

Defense: 15.7.2024
Study Program: Applied Mathematics
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Igor Melicherčík, PhD.

Hybrid gene expression models - Mgr. Iryna Zabaikina

Defense: 19.6.2024
Study Program: Applied Mathematics
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Pavol Bokes, PhD.

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Nonlinear Parabolic Equations with Applications in Finance - Cyril Izuchukwu Udeani

Defense: 26.1.2024
Study Program: Applied Mathematics
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Daniel Ševčovič, DrSc.

A conic optimization approach for solving matrix approximation problems - Mgr. Terézia Fulová

Defense: 17.7.2023
Study Program: Applied Mathematics
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Mária Trnovská, PhD.

Cyclic connectivity and flows on graphs - Mgr. Jozef Rajník

Defense: 3.7.2023
Study Program: Mathematics
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Edita Máčajová, PhD.

Modelling and analysis of density-driven flow in reactive porous media - Mgr. Radoslav Hurtiš

Defense: 30.6.2023
Study Program: Applied Mathematics
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Peter Guba, PhD.

Solutions with moving singularities for nonlinear diffusion equations - Mgr. Petra Macková

Defense: 30.6.2023
Study Program: Mathematics
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Pavol Quittner, DrSc.

Parental bonus in pension systems - Mgr. Tatiana Jašurková

Defense: 28.6.2023
Study Program: Applied Mathematics
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Igor Melicherčík, PhD.

Mesh processing via non-linear subdivision - Mgr. Marcel Makovník

Defense: 8.9.2022
Study Program: Geometry and Topology
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Pavel Chalmovianský, PhD.

Geometric intersection theory of plane algebraic curves - Mgr. Adriana Bosáková

Defense: 6.9.2022
Study Program: Geometry and Topology
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Pavel Chalmovianský, PhD.

CGE modelling of potential macroeconomic effects of employing socially excluded groups - Mgr. Richard Priesol

Defense: 31.8.2022
Study Program: Applied Mathematics
Supervisor: RNDr. Viliam Páleník, PhD.

Algorithms for computing optimal designs of experiments under constraints - Mgr. Eva Benková

Defense: 30.8.2022
Study Program: Applied Mathematics
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Radoslav Harman, PhD.

Multivariate Markovian Models of Biological Processes - Candan Çelik

Defense: 13.6.2022
Study Program: Applied Mathematics
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Pavol Bokes, PhD.

Modern methods for solving convex optimization problems - Mgr. Roman Kukumberg

Defense: 31.8.2021
Study Program: Applied Mathematics
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Margaréta Halická, CSc.

Solution of direct and inverse problems for transport of water and heat in porous media - RNDr. Patrik Mihala

Defense: 25.8.2021
Study Program: Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Jozef Kačur, DrSc.

Mathematical models in yeast biology - Mgr. Peter Barančok

Defense: 30.4.2021
Study Program: Applied Mathematics
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Richard Kollár, PhD.

Application of the model with quasilinear utility function of demand in strategic decision making - Mgr. Róbert Patejdl

Defense: 30.11.2020
Study Program: Applied Mathematics
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Ján Pekár, PhD.

Displaying 20 files, from 1 to 20 out of 20.

Computer Science

Algorithms and Data Structures for Large-Scale Pangenomics - Mgr. Adrián Goga

Defense: 22.8.2024
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Bronislava Brejová, PhD.

Building Bridges Between Pangenomic Graphs and Stringology Data Structures - Andrej Baláž

Defense: 22.8.2024
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Vinař, PhD.

Robustness, attention and explainability of neural networks - Mgr. Štefan Pócoš

Defense: 20.8.2024
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Igor Farkaš, Dr.

Adversarial attacks and their effect on neural networks in classification tasks - Mgr. Iveta Bečková

Defense: 19.8.2024
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Igor Farkaš, Dr.

Automatic 3D Human Pose Estimation, Skeleton Tracking and Body Measurements - Mgr. Dana Škorvánková

Defense: 26.7.2024
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Martin Madaras, PhD.

Satisfiability Solving in Product Fuzzy Logic - Mgr. Ivor Uhliarik

Defense: 23.8.2023
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Dušan Guller, PhD.

Virtual and Augmented Reality in Software Development - Ing. Juraj Vincúr

Defense: 21.8.2023
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Ivan Polášek, PhD.

Intrinsically motivated reinforcement learning - Mgr. Matej Pecháč

Defense: 21.8.2023
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Igor Farkaš, Dr.

Algorithms and data structures for big sequencing data processing - Ing. Jozef Sitarčík

Defense: 9.2.2023
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Mária Lucká, PhD.

Two computationl problems in genomic data analysis - Mgr. Askar Gafurov

Defense: 23.8.2022
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Bronislava Brejová, PhD.

Security of Software and Hardware Systems – Formal Approach - Aliyu Tanko Ali

Defense: 24.2.2022
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Damas Gruska, PhD.

Label-efficient learning in artificial neural networks - Mgr. Ing. Matúš Tuna

Defense: 3.12.2021
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Igor Farkaš, PhD.

Towards Person Detection based on Skeleton Model with Motion Capture Techniques - Mgr. Adam Riečický

Defense: 31.8.2021
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Roman Ďurikovič, PhD.

Approximation Based Similarity Framework for Formal Languages - Mgr. András Varga

Defense: 31.8.2021
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Branislav Rovan, PhD.

Properties of real and artificial complex networks - Mgr. Andrej Jursa

Defense: 30.8.2021
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Mária Markošová, PhD.

Computational Model of Synaptic Plasticity in CA1 Region of Hippocampus - Mgr. Matúš Tomko

Defense: 25.8.2021
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Ľubica Beňušková, PhD.

Elements of Automated Visual Traffic Analysis - Ing. Viktor Kocur

Defense: 12.8.2021
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Roman Ďurikovič, PhD.

Adaptive Skill Acquisition in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning - Mgr. Juraj Holas

Defense: 4.8.2021
Study Program: Computer Science
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Igor Farkaš, Dr.

Displaying 19 files, from 1 to 19 out of 19.


Research of 222Rn for the determination of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere - RNDr. Terézia Eckertová

Defense: 24.8.2022
Study Program: Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Karol Holý, CSc.

Study of transformation pathways of structural transitions in silicon and other semiconductors - Mgr. Marián Rynik

Defense: 23.8.2022
Study Program: Physics of Condensed Matter and Acoustics
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Roman Martoňák, DrSc.

Identification of pair-generation and pair-breaking processes in superconductors by solving inverse problems - Mgr. Dušan Kavický

Defense: 23.8.2022
Study Program: Physics of Condensed Matter and Acoustics
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Richard Hlubina, DrSc.

Dynamics of meteoroids and dust particles flight through the planetary atmosphere - Mgr. Karol Havrila

Defense: 18.8.2022
Study Program: Astronomy and Astrophysics
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Juraj Tóth, PhD.

Spatial density and model of meteoroid population - RNDr. Martin Baláž

Defense: 18.8.2022
Study Program: Astronomy and Astrophysics
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Juraj Tóth, PhD.

Matrix Models and Noncommutative Field Theory - Mgr. Mária Šubjaková

Defense: 7.7.2022
Study Program: Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Peter Prešnajder, DrSc.

New possibilities of the use of cold plasma in agriculture - Gervais Blondel Ndiffo Yemeli

Defense: 17.6.2022
Study Program: Environmental Physics
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Zdenko Machala, DrSc.

Development of acoustic sensing technologies for milk analysis - Sandro Spagnolo

Defense: 28.2.2022
Study Program: Biophysics
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Tibor Hianik, DrSc.

Ab Initio Computational Studies of Pressure-Induced Polymerization in Crystals Made of Simple Molecules - Mgr. Ondrej Tóth

Defense: 27.10.2021
Study Program: Physics of Condensed Matter and Acoustics
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Roman Martoňák, DrSc.

Analysis of Resonant Coupling in 2D Photonic Structures and Picosecond LIBS of Fusion Related Materials - Ing. Matej Pisarčík

Defense: 12.10.2021
Study Program: Quantum Electronics, Optics and Optical Spectroscopy
Supervisor: RNDr. Milan Držík, CSc.

Identification of Key Factors of Earthquake Ground Motion in Surface Sedimentary Structures - Mgr. Svetlana Stripajová

Defense: 26.8.2021
Study Program: Geophysics
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Jozef Kristek, PhD.

Influence of orography on supercells in Slovakia - Mgr. Miroslav Šinger

Defense: 26.8.2021
Study Program: Meteorology and Climatology
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Martin Gera, PhD.

Investigations of the effects of cold plasma tocancerous and normal cells using molecular methods - Mgr. Dominika Sersenová

Defense: 25.8.2021
Study Program: Biophysics
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Zdenko Machala, PhD.

Long-range proximity effect on the structures superconductor/ferromagnet - Serhii Volkov

Defense: 24.8.2021
Study Program: Physics of Condensed Matter and Acoustics
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Maroš Gregor, PhD.

Dynamical routes in the Solar system - Mgr. Martina Kováčová

Defense: 6.8.2021
Study Program: Astronomy and Astrophysics
Supervisor: doc. RND. Leonard Kornoš, PhD.

Displaying 17 files, from 41 to 57 out of 57. First page 1 2 3

Education Sciences

The specific needs of students with visual impairments in the study of informatics subjects in terciary education - Mgr. Mária Stankovičová

Defense: 28.8.2024
Study Program: Informatics Education
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Ľudmila Jašková, PhD.

Creation of database of tasks from mathematical competitions in order to aply in teaching process - Mgr. Matej Uher

Defense: 31.8.2023
Study Program: Informatics Education
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Štefan Solčan, CSc.

Using Silent Video in Physics Education - PaedDr. Simona Gorčáková

Defense: 12.6.2023
Study Program: Physics Education
Supervisor: doc. PaedDr. Klára Velmovská, PhD.

Research in the capabilities of ISCED 2 pupils to graphically process data gained within their physics inquiry - Mgr. Karolína Šromeková

Defense: 12.6.2023
Study Program: Physics Education
Supervisor: doc. PaedDr. Viera Haverlíková, PhD.

The impact of emigration on the development of mathematics in Slovakia - Mgr. Milan Lekár

Defense: 30.8.2022
Study Program: Informatics Education
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Robert Jajcay, DrSc.

Development of students´ abilities related to the empirical model of learning - PaedDr. Lucia Klinovská

Defense: 23.8.2022
Study Program: Physics Education
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. František Kundracik, CSc.

Critical Thinking and Indicators of its Assessment in Physics Education - Mgr. Anna Trúsiková

Defense: 23.8.2022
Study Program: Physics Education
Supervisor: doc. PaedDr. Klára Velmovská, PhD.

Applications of Human Biology in Physics Education - PaedDr. Jana Jakubičková

Defense: 23.8.2022
Study Program: Physics Education
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. František Kundracik, CSc.

Mathematics for secondary art schools - Mgr. Miriam Janíková

Defense: 9.11.2021
Study Program: Informatics Education
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Zbyněk Kubáček, CSc.

Mathematical thinking, attitudes to mathematics and videogames - Mgr. Mária Čujdíková

Defense: 24.8.2021
Study Program: Informatics Education
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Ivan Kalaš, PhD.

The Implementation of Mobile Technology in Physics Education - PaedDr. Jakub Čevajka

Defense: 24.8.2021
Study Program: Physics Education
Supervisor: doc. PaedDr. Klára Velmovská, PhD.

Students‘ argumentation in solving physics problems - PaedDr. Tünde Kiss

Defense: 24.8.2021
Study Program: Physics Education
Supervisor: doc. PaedDr. Klára Velmovská, PhD.

A historical approach to teachnig selected concepts in mechanics - PaedDr. Jarier Wannous

Defense: 23.8.2021
Study Program: Physics Education
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. František Kundracik, CSc.

Use of outdoor activities with dataloggers for fulfilling of the objectives of physics education - PaedDr. Jozef Trenčan

Defense: 23.8.2021
Study Program: Physics Education
Supervisor: ddoc. RNDr. Peter Demkanin, PhD.

Co-invention projects in Physics Education - Mgr. Milan Kováč

Defense: 23.8.2021
Study Program: Physics Education
Supervisor: ddoc. RNDr. Peter Demkanin, PhD.

Displaying 15 files, from 1 to 15 out of 15.