Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

Pavel Povinec

[Translate to English:] Prof. Dr. Pavel P. Povinec, DrSc., FRSC

Faculty Professor of Physics

Comenius University

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics

Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics




1960-1965     Physics (MSc.), Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University (CU)
1969-1970     Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay
1974              Physics (PhD), CU

Academic Career

1965 - 1978    Assistant Professor, Faculty of Natural Sciences, CU
1978 -1984     Associate Professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, CU
1983               Doctor of Sciences (DrSc.), CU
1984               Professor, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, CU


1965-1980        Faculty of Natural Sciences, CU
1980-1990        Vice-Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, CU
1980-1992        Head, Department of Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, CU
1990-1992        Invited researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (HEPHY, Vienna)
1993-2005        Head of the Laboratory, International Atomic Energy Agency, Marine Environment Laboratories, Monaco
2006-present    Professor, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, CU

Visiting professorships

1982, 1984, 1987   University of Tbilisi
1990                      University of Bologna
1991                      University of Padua
1992                      University of Heidelberg
1992                      University of Rome
1998-2005              University of Nice,
2013                      University of Kanazawa



2023  Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK)   

2018  Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Austria)

2017  Hevesy Medal Award, Springer/New York (USA)

2013  PROSE Award for the best book in Environmental Sciences (P.P. Povinec, K. Hirose, M. Aoyama: Fukushima Accident - Radioactivity Impact on the Environment, Elsevier, New York, 2013) (USA)

2005  Nobel Prize for Peace (Member of the IAEA team), Nobel Prize Comm. for Peace (Norway)

2004  STA Award, Science and Technology Agency (Japan)

2004, 2000 IAEA Awards, International Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna)

2003  FAO Medal, Food and Agricultural Organization (Rom)

2002   CEA Award, Commission l’Energy Atomique (France)

2001  Gold Medal of the University of Tbilisi (Georgia)


2022    Ilkovič Medal Award, Slovak Academy of Sciences

2022    Elected Honorary Member of the Slovak Physical Society

2021    Elected Member of the Slovakia Learning Society of the Slovak Academy of     Sciences (Academician)

2018    State Award “Pribina Cross 1st Class”, President of the Slovak Republic

2017    Scientist of the Year, Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic

2017     Award of the Slovak Physical Society

2016    Award for the best citation record, Slovak Literary Foundation

2014    Award for the best scientific book, Slovak Literary Foundation

2012      Medal of the Slovak Physical Society

2012      Commemorative Medal of the Comenius University

2007      Gold Medal of the Comenius University

1992      Medal of the Union of Slovak Mathematicians and Physicists

1988    Medal of the Union of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists

1985      Gold Medal of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Comenius  University

1985      Medal of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University

1985      Medal of the Electro-technical Faculty of the Slovak Technical University

1985    Medal of the Faculty of Nuclear and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University, Prague



University courses for undergraduate and graduate studies in Nuclear Physics and in Environmental Physics (over ten lectures and seminars)

MSc Diploma Thesis supervision:21 completed
PhD Thesis supervision:  29 completed

Recent PhD students

Mgr. Jakub Kvasniak, PhD – Development of IBA techniques for analysis of biological samples (2023)

RNDr. Miloslava Bagínová, PhD - Monte Carlo simulations of detector background in underground laboratories (2023)

Mgr. Veronika Palušová, PhD - Monte Carlo simulations of detectors background and analysis of background characteristics of the SuperNEMO experiment at the Modane underground laboratory (2022)

Mgr. Ivan Kontuľ, PhD – Development of accelerator mass spectrometry for analysis of environmental radionuclides (2019)

Mgr. Ján Pánik, PhD – Development of the accelerator mass spectrometry at CENTA (2018)

Mgr. Jakub Zeman, PhD – Development of Ion Beam Analysis techniques at CENTA for elemental analysis (2017)

Ing. Jakub Kaizer, PhD – Radionuclides in the environment and development of methods of their determination by accelerator mass spectrometry (2015)

Mgr. Róbert Breier, PhD - Monte Carlo simulation of background characteristics of HPGe detectors (2011)


The main research fields 

Nuclear physics  

- Rare nuclear processes and decays, investigations of double beta-decays, underground physics (experiments NEMO/SuperNEMO, LEGEND, BETA-Zr)

- Radiopurity investigations for underground experiments (development of high-sensitive coincidence-anticoincidence gamma-spectrometers,  development of reference materials) 

- Monte Carlo simulations of detectors background operating underground 

- Development of the underground laboratory in IAEA Monaco (the first underground laboratory for marine radioactivity studies)

- Multi-element detector in Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory searching for double beta-decay of Xe-136 (the first experiment carried out in Gran Sasso).


- Search for dark matter particles (experiment CRESST, the best cross-section limits for masses < 2 GeV/c2)

- Cosmogenic radionuclides in meteorites (discovery of long-term variations of galactic cosmic rays)

- Cosmic-ray exposure ages and pre-atmospheric dimensions of meteorites (ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites, irons) 

- Radionuclides in Lunar and Martian meteorites (their origin and characteristics)   

- Radionuclide variations studies in lunar samples (APOLLO and LUNA missions) 

- Sun impacts on the Earth - solar cycles in isotope archives (discovery of the 11-yr C-14 cycle in tree rings and wines).

Environmental physics

- Radionuclides as tracers of environmental processes (atmosphere-hydrosphere-biosphere interactions)

- Climate change studies using isotope archives (55 yr long 14CO2 record in the atmosphere, the 3rd longest in the world; C-14 records in tree rings)

- Assessments of global and regional impacts of nuclear weapons tests on the total environment (incl. humans)

- Assessments of the Chernobyl and Fukushima accident impacts on the global and regional environments

- Assessment of the impacts of Slovak nuclear power plants on the total environment

- Assessment of radiation doses to humans and biota from global fallout and natural radionuclides

- Groundwater as a strategic resource in the 21st Century - vulnerability and protection of the Rye Island in south Slovakia (the largest groundwater reservoir in Central Europe - groundwater dating, time and space characteristics).

Isotope oceanography 

– Tracing seawater currents in oceans using isotope tracers (Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic) and seas (Mediterranean, Irish Sea, North Sea, Kara Sea, Sea of Japan, Okhotsk Sea)

- Identification of water masses in the South Indian Ocean and in the Southern Ocean (discovery of the accumulation of world marine pollutants in the Indian Ocean gyre as the final storage of world pollutants)

-  Seawater-sediment and seawater-biota interactions - particle reactive (Pu, Am, Th) and dissolved (Cs, U) radioisotopes

-  Climate change studies in oceans (Sea of Japan - formation of eddies, Pacific Ocean - changes in bottom salinity)

-  Assessment of radionuclide contamination of oceans from global and local fallout due to nuclear weapons testing - Pacific (Bikini, Mururoa), Arctic (Novaya Zemlya, Kara Sea), impacts on the marine environment, marine biota and humans

- Assessments of impacts from dumping of radioactive wastes in oceans - possible releases, impacts on the marine environment, marine biota and humans (NE Atlantic Ocean, Baltic sea; Arctic Ocean, Kara Sea, Novaya Zemlya bays; NW Pacific Ocean, Sea of Japan, Okhotsk Sea) 

-  Submarine groundwater discharge studies in the world ocean - assessments of groundwater losses to the sea (Mediterranean, coastal waters off Sicily, coastal waters of Brasil, Mauritius Island)

-  Assessment of losses in groundwater resorces due to salinisation of coastal groundwater reservoirs (Mediterranean, Sea of Japan).

Development of high-sensitive radioanalytical methods

-       Development of the Centre for Nuclear and Accelerator Technologies (CENTA) as the universal facility for IBA and AMS research and applications

-       Development of low-level radiometric spectrometry systems (high-sensitive liquid scinntillation beta-spectrometry, high-resolution alpha-spectrometry with Si detectors)

-       Development of in situ underwater gamma-spectrometry using HPGe (cooled with liquified methane) and NaI(Tl) detectors - seawater and seabed mapping of radionuclide distributions (Kara Sea and Novaya Zemlya bays (monitoring of radioactive wastes dumping sites), Irish Sea, Mediterranean, offshore Sicily, SW Atlantic (offshore Brasil), CS Pacific (Mururoa Island); long-term monitoring of gamma-ray emitters in the Irish Sea with satellite data transmission to Monaco  

-       Develoment of underground gamma-spectrometry methods (coincidence-anticoincidence gamma-spectrometers based on HPGe, NaI(Tl) and plastic scintillation detectors)

-       Development of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) methods and the first marine applications of AMS in the assessment of C-14 and I-129 at radioactive waste dumping sites in NE Atlantic and NW Pacific oceans

-       Develoment of the method of simultaneous measurement of activity and background (Povinec method) using gas proportional and liquid scintillation beta-spectrometers

-       Develoment of the multi-element gas proportional detector for H-3 and C-14 counting (Povinec detector), later also applied in double beta-decay experiments in the Gran Sasso and Baksan undergound laboratories.


Supervision of Research Projects

International underground experiments 

2022–        EC-2020-1-RD-EUFRAT-HADES, Investigations of single beta-decay of Zr-96 and double beta-decays of Zr-94 and Zr-96 to excited states in the HADES (Geel, Belgium) underground laboratory. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (principal investigator from Slovakia).

2018-         CRESST, Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers – a dark matter search experiment with best detection limit for particles with mas < 2 GeV/c2. Leader of the Slovak team and member of the Institutional and Editorial Boards of the experiment (8 European laboratories), https://cresst-experiment.org

2016-         LEGEND, Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for Neutrinoless ββ Decay of Ge-76 using 200 kg and 1000 kg of Ge detectors in the Gran Sasso (Italy) and SNOLab (Canada) underground laboratories (the biggest global experiment with the expected best half-life limit of 1026 yr). Leader of the Slovak team and member of the Institutional Board of the experiment (60 worldwide laboratories), www.legend-exp.org

2010–2018     EURECA, European Underground Rare Event Calorimeter Array.  Leader of the Slovak team and member of the Institutional Board of the experiment (21 worldwide laboratories), https://users.physics.ox.ac.uk/~kraus/research/EURECA.htm

2006 -        NEMO3 and SuperNEMO, Neutrino Ettore Majorana Observatory, experiments on investigations of double beta-decay processes and neutrino physicsA search for neutrinoless double beta-decay of 82Se and other isotopes (the best half-life limit of 1024 yr) using tracking-calorimetry techniques in the Modane (France) underground laboratory. Leader of the Slovak team, member of the Institutional Board and head of the Shielding team of the experiment (23 worldwide laboratories), https://supernemo.org.

Co-supervision of national research projects with EU support

2019–        ITMS-2014 313021X329 Advancing University Capacity and Competence in Research, Development and Innovation (ACCORD) (Analyser of high-energy ions installed in Aug. 2022) 

2011-2013 ITMS-26240120026 Centrum of Excellence for Physics of Complex Systems, Phase II (building of a tandem accelerator facility)

2010-2013 ITMS-26240220004 Development of nuclear technologies for evaluation of environmental impacts of energy sources (building of a tandem accelerator facility)

2007-2011 ITMS-2624012002 Centrum of Excellence for Physics of Complex Systems (building of a tandem accelerator facility)

Supervision of national research projects  (>2007)

2023-2025 VEGA-1/0487/23 Investigation of new ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites

2020-2022 VEGA-1/0421/20 Investigation of meteorites: characterisation of meteorites and cosmic rays

2017-2020 VEGA-1/0382/17 Investigation of meteorites from the Moon, lunar meteorites and lunar samples

2016-2020 APVV-15-576 Rare nuclear processes and development of methods for their investigations

2016-2020 APVV-15-521 National Standard and Ensuring of Rn-222 Standardisation in Slovakia (co- principal investigator)

2014-2017 VEGA-1/0783/14 Investigation of Martian Meteorites, Chelyabinsk meteorite, and other recent chondrites

2011-2013 VEGA-1/0770/11 Isotopic Investigation of the Meteorite  Kosice  and  similar chondrites

2008-2010  VEGA-1/0108/08 Isotope variability and vulnerability of groundwater of Slovakia

International research projects 

2022-         20-EPN2-118 EUROPLANET I/2677, Solar activity studies around 660 BC and 800 BC by radiocarbon analysis of annual tree rings using accelerator mass spectrometry (Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Project No. 871149; in collaboration with University of Arizona at Tucson, and ATOMKI in Debrecen).

2020-         IAEA - RER7014, Improving Environmental Monitoring and Assessment for Radiation Protection in the Region/Slovakia (Responsible Officer for Slovakia). Support provided for the expansion of the gamma-spectrometry laboratory and for fellowships; a development of a joint IAEA-CENTA training centre in progress).

2018-2020     IAEA-SLR1001, Strengthening Environmental Radionuclide Monitoring in Europe (Responsible Officer for Slovakia). Support provided for the expansion of the IBA line at CENTA and for fellowships.

2016-2018      IAEA- RER7008, Strengthening Capabilities for Radionuclide Measurement in the Environment and Enhancing QA/QC System for Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring. (Responsible Officer for Slovakia)

2014-2018     Beta-decays. Single and double beta-decay studies of 96Zr, 96Nb and 96Mo. Muenster-Jyväskylä-Bratislava collaboration, (Co-principal Investigator).

2014-2018    Marine sediments, Development of compound specific C-14 analyses in organic fractions of marine sediments (Lithuania-Slovakia CollaborationResponsible officer for Slovakia)

2013-2017     IAEA-RER7/005, Implementing modern approaches and tools for the assessment of radiation impact on the total environment. (Responsible Officer for Slovakia).

2012-2015     IAEA-SLR 0008, Enhancing Capacity for Environmental Radionuclide Monitoring at the Centre for Nuclear and Isotope Technologies and Education/Training to Support the Expansion of Nuclear Power and the Decommissioning of NPPs (Principal investigator). Supporting building of IBA/AMS beamlines at the CENTA facility and supporting long-term training of five CENTA fellows at accelerator laboratories in EU and USA. The best IAEA Technical Cooperation project,  https://www.iaea.org/sites/default/files/18/11/slr0008.pdf

2012-2014 EC Evaluation Com. Fukushima marine radioactivity assessment and food controll

2009-2012 APVV SK-SI0011-10 Development of isotope methods or better understanding of impacts of Sava and Danube rivers on the groundwater systems in Slovenia and Slovakia (Responsible officer for Slovakia).

2004-2013 SHOTS, South Hemisphere Ocean Tracer Studies, IAEA-Japan-Slovakia project, co-investigator representing Slovakia. Results published in the Special issue: Progress in Oceanography 89(2011)1-134, Co-editor.

1990-1994 DELPHI Experiment (CERN), Leader of the Slovak Group

1990-1994 ATLAS Experiment (CERN), Leader of the Slovak Group

1990-1994 Experiment SDC (LBL, Berkeley), Leader of the Slovak Group

1990-1994 Experiment XENON on double beta-decay search in 136Xe (Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory,  Univ. Milano), Leader of the Slovak Group

1989-2004 AUSTRON - An Interdisciplinary Research Centre, Central European Initiative (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna), Leader of the Slovak Group

1984-1992 Experiments HYPERON and MARS on production and decays of particles (JINR, Dubna), Leader of the Bratislava Group

1983-1990 Experiment ARES on rare nuclear particle decays (JINR, Dubna), Leader of the Bratislava Group

International research projects in IAEA Monaco 

2004-2006     El Niño and climate change studies using isotope records in the marine environment, IAEA-world project (IAEA Responsible Officer)

2000-2006     ATOMS-Med, Oceanographic investigations in the Eastern Mediterranean, IAEA-world project (IAEA Responsible Officer)

2000-2006     UN Atlas of Oceans, IAEA-FAO-WMO Joint Project, http://www.oceansatlas.org , (IAEA Responsible Officer).

1997-2004     SGD, Submarine Groundwater Discharge studies, IAEA-world (IAEA Responsible Officer). Special issues (Co-Editor): (1) Continental Shelf Research 26(2006)825-88. (2) Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 76(2008)455-542.

1996-2005     WOMARS, Worldwide Marine Radioactivity StudiesIAEA-world project (IAEA Responsible Officer). Special Issue (Editor): Deep-Sea Research II 50(2003)2595-2846.

1996-1998          Mururoa, Study of the Radiological Situation at the Atolls of Mururoa and FangataufaIAEA-world project (Scientific Secretary of Working Groups on Marine Monitoring and Marine Modelling). Soecial Issue (Editor): The Science of the Total Environment Vol. 237/238, 1-508, 1999

1993-2004     Pacific RA Dumping, Investigation of Radioactive Dumping Sites in Far Eastern Seas, IAEA-world project (IAEA Responsible Officer).

1993-2004  Atlantic RA Dumping, Investigation of NE Atlantic Dump Site, IAEA-world project (IAEA Responsible Officer).

1993-2002      Arctic RA Dumping, International Arctic Seas Assessment Project, IAEA-world project (IAEA Responsible Officer for Marine Radioactivity).

1993-2001   MARDOS, Marine Radioactivity Doses from Consumption of Seafood, IAEA-world project (IAEA Responsible Officer).

Organization of international oceanic cruises

  1. IAEA expedition on investigation of submarine groundwater discharge in coastal waters of Mauritius, 24-29/, 2004 (chief scientist of the expedition).

  2. BEAGLE Expedition – Southern Ocean Tracer Studies, R/V Bossey Maru, 8/2003 – 3/2004.

  3. IAEA expedition in Brazilian coastal waters, R/V Albacora, 14-26/11, 2003 (chief scientist of the expedition).

  4. Southern Ocean ANTARES IV expedition, R/V "Marion Dufresne II", 4/1-24/2, 1999.

  5. Indian Ocean transect, R/V "Italica", 4/3-9/4, 1998

  6. Arabian Sea expedition, R/V "Sagar Sampada", 19/3-20/4, 1998

  7. Expedition to the NE Atlantic dumping sites, R/V "Walther Herwig III", 14/8-15/9, 1998

  8. IAEA'97 Pacific Ocean expedition, R/V "Bosei Maru", 21/10-20/11, 1997 (chief scientist of the expedition)

  9. IAEA/CEA Mururoa/Fangataufa expedition, R/V “Marara”, 15/7.3/8, 1996 (chief scientist of the expedition for the marine environment)

  10. Expedition to NE Atlantic dumping sites, R/V "Walther Herwig III", 8/8-9/9, 1996

  11. Japanese - S. Korean - Russian - IAEA expedition to the dumping sites in the Far Eastern Seas, R/V "Okean", 12/8-12/9, 1995. 

    Development of Reference Materials

    1.   Radionuclides in Irish Sea Water, IAEA-381 (Povinec et al., J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 251(2002)369-374).
    2.   Radionuclides in the Arabian Sea sediment, IAEA-315 (Povinec, P.P., Pham, M.K., J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 248(2001)211-216.
    3.   Radionuclides in Fangataufa Lagoon sediment, IAEA-384 (Povinec et al., J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 273(2007)383-393.
    4.   Radionuclides in Irish Sea Sediment, IAEA-385 (Pham, M.K., …, Povinec P.P. et al., Appl. Radiat. Isot. 66(2008)1711-1717).
    5.   Radionuclides in Bikini Atoll sediment (IAEA-410) and Pacific Ocean sediment (IAEA-412) (Pham M.K.,…, Povinec, P.P. et al., Appl. Radiat. Isot. 109(2016)101–104).
    6.   Radionuclides in mixed fish from the Irish Sea and North Sea, IAEA-414 (Pham, M.K., Povinec P.P. et al. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 64(2006)1253-1259).
    7.   Radionuclides in Mediterranean Sea Water, IAEA-418 (Pham, M.K., Betti, M., Povinec P.P. et al., J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 286(2010) 121-127).
    8.   Radionuclides in the mussel sample from the Mediterranean Sea, IAEA-437. (Pham M.K., Betti M., Povinec P.P. et al., J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 283(2010)851-859.
    9. Radionuclides in the water sample from the Irish Sea, IAEA-443 (Pham MK, Betti M, Povinec, P.P., et al. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 288(2011)603-611).
    10. Radionuclides in Baltic Sea seaweed, IAEA-446 (Pham, …, Povinec P.P. et al., Appl. Radiat. Isot. 87(2014)468-474).
    11.   The NIST shellfish Standard Reference Material 4358 (Nour, S.,  P. Povinec, et al. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 81, 330-334 2013) 
    12. The NIST Seaweed Standard Reference Material (Outola J., …, Povinec P.P. et al. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 64(2006)1242-1247).
    13. Reference material for natural radionuclides in glass designed for underground experiments (Povinec P.P. et al.. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 307(2016)619–626).


International Evaluation Committees

EU panel on the consequences of the Fukushima accident   
IAEA Committee for the evaluation of IAEA TC projects
IAEA Committee for the evaluation of environmental aspects of the Fukushima accident
International Committee for the evaluation of the Fukushima accident projects in Japan
International Committee for the evaluation of the Fukushima impact on the biosphere in South Korea

Governmental Committees

2010-2014     Project Evaluation Committee at the Agency for Research and Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of Slovakia
2006-2010     Governmental Committee for Assessment of Impacts of Nuclear Power Plants
1994-1998     Slovak Governmental Board for Science and Education
1986-1992     Slovak Commissions for Scientific Degrees

Member of the  Committees for defence of Assoc. Professor and Professor Posts 

-         Comenius University, Bratislava

-         Slovak Technical University, Bratislava

-         University of Arizona at Tucson, USA

-         University of Honolulu, USA

-         Technical University of Denmark,

-         Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic

-         Josef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Member of the  Committees for defence of MSc, PhD and DrSc Thesis 

-    Comenius University, Bratislava 

-    Slovak Technical  University, Bratislava 

-    Josef Stefan Institute,  Ljubljana 

-    Czech Technical University, Prague 

-    Universcity  of Jyväskylä 

-    University of Nice 

-    Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava 

Professional Organisations

2018-present     European Academy of Sciences and Arts
2015-present     American Chemical Society
2014-present     International Radioecological Union
2012-present     Geochemical Society
2004-present     World Council on Isotopes
2000-present     European Energy Association
1996-2005        IHU Commission for groundwater-seawater interactions (Vice-President)
1996-2000        International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 
1982-1990        Slovak Physical Society (Chairman)
1982-1990        European Physical Society (Member of the Board)
1990-1992        International Union of Pure and Applied Physics

Associate Editor of SCI Journals

Radiocarbon (Cambridge University Press)
Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (Springer)

Member of Editorial Boards of SCI International Journals

Scientific Reports/Nature (Springer Nature)
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity (Elsevier)
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (Springer)
The Scientific World Journal (Hindavi)
Frontiers in Energy (Springer)
Helion (Elsevier)

Editor and Co-editor of Special Issues of Journals

1.     Journal of Environmental Radioactivity: Variations of Environmental Radionuclides (2020,). Editors: P.P. Povinec, I. Svetlik

2.     Journal of Environmental Radioactivity: Radionuclides as Tracers of Environmental Processes (2018). EditorsP.P. Povinec, G. Lujaniené

3.     Journal of Environmental Radioactivity: New Challenges with New Analytical Technologies (2016). Editors: P.P. Povinec, A. Ioannidou

4.     Meteoritics and Planetary Science: The Fall of the Košice Meteorite, Vol. 50, No. 5, 851-892, 2015. EditorP.P. Povinec, J. Tóth

5.     Biogeosciences: Impact of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Discharges on the Ocean, Vol. 10, No. 10-11, 2013-2014):  Editors: K. Buesseler, H. Nies, M. AoyamaP.P. Povinec, M. Dai

6.     Journal of Environmental Radioactivity: Environmental Impacts of the Fukushima Accident (Part II), Vol., No. 12, 1-170, 2012): EditorP.P. Povinec

7.     Journal of Environmental Radioactivity: Radioecological Studies – New Frontiers and Developments, Vol., 108, No. 6, 2012. EditorsP.P. Povinec, W. Plastino.

8.     Progress in Oceanography: The Southern Ocean Tracer Studies (SHOTS), Vol. 89, No. 1-4, 1-133, 2011. Editors: M. Aoyama, P.P. Povinec, J.A. Sanchez-Cabeza

9.     Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science: Submarine Groundwater Discharge Studies along the Ubatuba Coastal area in South-Eastern Brazil, Vol. 76, No. 3, 455-542, 2008, Editors: P.P. Povinec, W.C. Burnett, J. de Oliveira

10.   Journal of Environmental Radioactivity: Radioecological Studies, Vol. 100, No.2, 101- 202, 2009. Editor: P.P. Povinec)

11.   Continental Shelf Research: Submarine Discharge Studies Offshore South-Eastern Sicily, Vol. 26, No. 7, 825-884, 2006. Editors: P.P. Povinec, P. Aggarwal

12.   Deep Sea Research II: Worldwide Marine Radioactivity Studies, Vol. 50, No. 17-21, 2595-2846, 2003. EditorP.P. Povinec

13.   Journal of Environmental Radioactivity: 2001: An Ocean Odyssey, Vol. 69, N. 1-2, 3-157, 2001. Editor: P.P. Povinec

14.   The Science of the Total Environment: The Marine Environment – Understanding and Protecting for the Future, Vol. 237/238, 1-508, 1999, EditorP.P. Povinec

15.   Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics: Rare Nuclear Decays and Fundamental Physics, Vol. 17, S1-543, 1991. Editor:  P. Povinec

16.   Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research: Low-Level Counting, Vol. B17, No. 5-6, 377-583, 1986. EditorP.P. Povinec


Editor of books and IAEA Reports

1.         Analysis of Environmental Radionuclides. Elsevier, New York, 2008 (EditorP.P. Povinec).

2.         Radionuclides in the Environment. Elsevier, New York, 2006  (EditorP.P. Povinec, J.A. Sanchez-Cabeza).

3.         Nuclear and Isotope Techniques for the Characterization of Submarine Groundwter Discharge in Coastal Zones. IAEA-TECDOC-1595, Vienna, 2008, 192p (EditorsP.P. Povinec, K.M. Kulkarni).

4.         Quantifying Uncertainty in Nuclear Analytical Measurements. IAEA-TECDOC-1401, Vienna, 2004 (Editors: R. Parr, P.P. Povinec, P. De Regge).

5.         Worlwide Marine Radioactivity Studies (WOMARS). Radionuclide levels in Oceans and Seas. IAEA-TECDOC-1429, Vienna, 2005, 186p (EditorP.P. Povinec).

6.         Global Marine Radioactivity Database (GLOMARD). IAEA-TECDOC-1146, Vienna, 2000, 51p (EditorP.P. Povinec).

7.         Radioactivity in the Arctic Sea. IAEA-TECDOC-1075, Vienna 1999, 69p (Editor: P.P. Povinec).

8.         The Radiological Situation of the Atolls of Mururoa and Fangataufa. Radionuclide Concentrations Measured in the Aquatic Environment of the Atolls. Vol. 2, IAEA, Vienna, 1998, 118p (EditorP.P. Povinec).

9.         The Radiological Situation of the Atolls of Mururoa And Fangataufa. Transport of Radioactive Material in the Marine Environment. Vol. 5. IAEA, Vienna, 1998, 140p (Editor: P.P. Povinec).

10.       Strategies and Methodologies for Applied Marine Radioactivity Studies. IAEA Training Course Series No. 7, Vienna 1997, 377p (Editors: S.W. Fowler, P.P. Povinec)

11.       Sources of Radioactivity in the Marine Environment and their Relative Contribution to Overall Dose Assessment from Marine Radioactivity (MARDOS). IAEA-TECDOC-838, Vienna, 1995, 54p (Editor: P.PPovinec).

Organisation of international conferences

7th Intern. Conf. on Environmental Radioactivity ENVIRA2021, Sevilla (Spain), May 2021 (together with M. Garcia-Leon, Univ. of Sevilla)

6th Intern. Conf. on Environmental Radioactivity ENVIRA2021, on line , Dec. 2021 (together with A. Ioannidou, Univ. of Thessaloniki)
The 5th Intern. Conf. on Environmental Radioactivity ENVIRA2019, Prague (Czechia), 2019 (together with I. Svetlik, Inst. of Nuclear Physics, CAS)

4th Intern. Conf. on Environmental Radioactivity ENVIRA2017, Vilnius (Lithuania), 2017 (together with G. Lujaniene, SCI Centre of Physics, LAS)

3rd Intern. Conf. on Environmental Radioactivity ENVIRA2015, Thessaloniki (Greece), 2015 (together with A. Ioannidou, Univ. of Thessaloniki)

NEMO and SuperNEMO Collaboration Meeting, Bratislava, 2014 (together with F. Šimkovic, JINR Dubna)

2nd Intern. Conf. on Environmental Radioactivity, Rome (Italy), 2010 (together with W. Plastino, Univ. Roma Tre)

Climate Variability Studies in the Ocean: Response of Oceans and Seas to Climate Change, ICTP Trieste (Italy), 2004 (together with F. Molteni and A. Bracco, ICTP Trieste)

Intern. Conf. on Isotopes in Environmental Studies, Monaco, 2004

Climate Variability Studies in the Ocean: Tracing and Modelling the Ocean Variability, ICTP Trieste (Italy), 2003 (together with F. Molteni, ICTP Trieste)

Intern. Conf. on the Study of Environmental Change Using Isotope Techniques, 2001, Vienna (together with P. Aggarwal, IAEA, Vienna)

Intern. Conf. on Marine Pollution, Monaco, 1998

Intern. Seminar on the Use of Isotope Techniques in Marine Environmental Studies, Athens (Greece) 1996 (together with K. Froehlich, IAEA Vienna)

Hexagonal (Austria, Italy, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia) Ministerial Meeting on Scientific Collaboration in Central Europe, Bratislava, 1992

European Conf. on Nuclear Physics (incl. 4th Low Radioactivity Conference), Bratislava 1990

The 3rd Intern. Conf. on Low-level Radioactivity, Bratislava, 1985

The 11th Intern. Symp. On Nuclear Electronics, Bratislava, 1983

The 2nd Intern. Conf. on Low-level Radioactivity, Strbske Pleso, 1980

Intern. Conf. on Low-level Radioactivity, Tatranska Lomnica, 1975

In preparation:

   8th Intern. Conf. on Environmental Radioactivity ENVIRA2025, Cracow (Poland), Sept. 2025 (together with J.W. Mietelski, Inst. Nucl. Phys.)


Organization and chairing of sessions at international conferences

3rd Intern. Conf. on Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (2023, Budapest, Hungary) preparation and chairing the session „Mass Spectrometry“.

12th International Conference on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC XI) (Kona, Hawaii, USA), March 2023, responsible for organization of the session “Ultra-sensitive Mass Spectrometric and Radiometric Methods for Environmental and Space Applications”

18th RadChem Intern. Conf. (2022 Mariánske Lázně, Czech Republic)

2nd Intern. Conf. on Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (10– 15/4, 2019, Budapest, Hungary) - preparation and chairing the session „Mass Spectrometry“.

11th International Conference on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC XI) (Kona, Hawaii, USA), May 2018, responsible for organization of the session “Ultra-sensitive Mass Spectrometric and Radiometric Methods for Environmental and Space Applications”

17th RadChem Intern. Conf. (11-16/5, 2018 Mariánske Lázně, Czech Republic)preparation and chairing the session „Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology” (together with M. Fejkl)

2nd International Conference on Radiocarbon in the Environment, Debrecen (Hungary), June 2017, responsible for organization of the session “Impact of Nuclear Power Plants on the Environment”

 Intern. Conf. on Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (10– 15/4, 2016, Budapest, Hungary) - preparation and chairing the session „Mass Spectrometry“.

10th Intern. Conf. on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC X)  (13–17/4, 2015, Kona, Havaii, USA) - preparation and chairing the session „Ultra-low-level radiometric and mass spectrometry techniques“.

Intern. Conf. on Radiocarbon in the Environment (18-22/8, 2014, Belfast, UK) - preparation and chairing the session “Radiocarbon in environmental monitoring of nuclear facilities”  (together with M. Molnár and I. Svetlík)

17th RadChem Intern. Conf. (11-16/5, 2014 Mariánske Lázně, Czech Republic)preparation and chairing the session „Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology” (together with V. Bečková)

Intern. Congress GOLDSCHMIDT‘2014 (8-17/6, 2014, Sacramento, USA) - preparation and chairing the session „Energy and the Environment“ (together with A.J.T. Jull)

6th Intern. Symp. on In situ Nuclear Metrology as a tool for Radioecology INSINUME´2012 – (11-15/6, 2012, Brussels) – preparation and chairing the session „In situ technologies in nuclear emergencies“.

9th Intern. Conf. on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC IX) (23-31/3, 2012, Kona, Hawaii, USA) – preparation and chairing the session „Ultra-low-level radiometric and mass spectrometry techniques“.

Intern. Conf. on isotopes in marine and fresh water systems (26-30/3, 2011, Monaco) - preparation and chairing the session „Environmental aspects of the Fukushima accident“.

Intern. Conf. on Natural Computation (23-27/7, 2011, Shanghai, China) – preparation and chairing the session „Modelling the impact of the Fukushima accident“.

3rd Intern. Nuclear Chemistry Congress (17-22/9, 2011, Palermo, Italy) - preparation and chairing the session „Environmental Radioactivity“.

16th RadChem Intern. Conf. (18-24/4, 2010 Mariánske Lázně, Czech Republic)preparation and chairing the session „Radionuclides in the Environment, Radioecology”.

8th Intern. Conf. on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC VIII) (5-10/4, 2009, Kona, Hawaii, USA) – preparation and chairing the session „Ultrasensitive mass spectrometry and other methods applied to environmental problems 

7th Intern. Conf. on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC VII) (26-30/3, 2006, Kona, Hawaii, USA) – preparation and chairing the session „Ultra-low-level radiometric and mass spectrometry techniques“.

6th Intern. Conf. on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC VI) (7-11/4, 2003, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA) - preparation and chairing the session “"Ultra sensitive mass spectrometry and other methods applied to environmental problems”

5th Intern. Conf. on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC V) (9-14/4, 2000, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA) - preparation and chairing the session “"Ultra sensitive mass spectrometry and other methods applied to environmental problems”.

Member of Scientific Boards of International Conferences

3rd Intern. Conf. on Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 2023, Budapest, Hungary)

12th International Conference on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC XI) (Kona, Hawaii, USA), 2023

18th RadChem Intern. Conf. (2022 Mariánske Lázně, Czech Republic)

2nd Intern. Conf. on Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (10– 15/4, 2019, Budapest, Hungary)

11th International Conference on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC XI) (Kona, Hawaii, USA), May 2018

17th RadChem Intern. Conf. (11-16/5, 2018 Mariánske Lázně, Czech Republic)

2nd International Conference on Radiocarbon in the Environment, Debrecen (Hungary), June 2017.

7th Intern. Conf. on Low-level Radioactivity Measurement Techniques (26. – 30. 9. 2016, Seattle, USA)

Intern. Conf. on Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (10. – 15. 4. 2016, Budapest, Hungary)

The 10th Intern. Conf. on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC X) (12-17/4, 2015, Kona, Hawaii, USA)

6th Intern. Symp. on In situ Nuclear Metrology as a tool for Radioecology INSINUME´2012 – (11-15/6, 2012, Brussels)

The 6th Intern. Conf. on Low Radioactivity Measurements and Applications (14-18/9, 2012, Jeju, S. Korea)

9th Intern. Conf. on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC IX) (23-31/3, 2012, Kona, Hawaii, USA)

3rd Intern. Nuclear Chemistry Congress (17-22/9, 2011, Palermo, Italy)

20th Intern. Radiocarbon Conf. (31/5-5/6, 2009, Kona, Hawaii, USA)

8th Intern. Conf. on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC VIII) (5-10/4, 2009, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA)

Intern. Conf. HydroChange2008 (30. 9.-3. 10. 2008, Kyoto, Japonsko)

11th Intern. Conf. on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (14-19/9, 2008, Rome, Italy)

4th Intern. Symp. on In situ Radionuclide Metrology as a tool for Radioecology INSINUME‘ 2008 (13.-17. 10. 2008, Rabat, Maroko)

Intern. Symp. on In situ Radionuclide Metrology as a tool for Radioecology INSINUME‘ 2006 (6-8/9-2006, Kusadasi, Turkey)

Intern. Symp. on In situ Radionuclide Metrology as a tool for Radioecology INSINUME‘ 2002 (10-12/6-2002, Fleurus, Belgium)

7th Intern. Conf. on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC VII) (26-30/3, 2006, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA)

Intern. Conf. 2001: An Ocean Odyssey (21-28/10-2001, Mar del Plata, Argentina)

6th Intern. Conf. on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC VI) (7-11/4, 2003, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA)

5th Intern. Conf. on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC V) (9-14/4, 2000, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA)

Editor and Co-Editor of Conference Proceedings

1.    Environmental RadioactivityProc. Intern. Conf. Environmental Radioactivity ENVIRA2017 (2021). Editors: I. Svetlik, P.P. Povinec

2. Variations of Environmental radionuclides, Proc. Intern. Conf. Environmental Radioactivity ENVIRA2017 (SCK Press, 2018). Editors: G. LujanienéP.P. Povinec

3.        New Challenges with New Analytical TechnologiesProc. Intern. Conf. Environmental Radioactivity ENVIRA2015 (Univ. of Thessaloniki Press, 2016). Editors: A. IoannidouP.P. Povinec

4.        Environmental Radioactivity: New Frontiers and Developmnets. Proc. International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity (Societa Italiana Physica, Bologna, 2012, 463p.). Editors: W. Plastino, P.PPovinec)

5.        A New Focus on Groundwater–Seawater Interactions. Proc. IAHS/IUGG Symposium (IAHS Press, Vol. 312, Paris, 2007, 344p.). Editors: W. Sanford, C. LangevinP.P. Povinec

6.        Radionuclides in the Environment. Proc. International Conference on Isotopes in Environmental Studies (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006, 646p.). EditorsP.P. Povinec, J.A. Sanchez-Cabeza

7.        Isotopes in Environmental Studies. Proc. International Conference on Isotopes in Environmental Studies – Aquatic Forum 2004. (IAEA Conference and Symposium Paperss 26/P, Vienna, 2006, 710p.). Editors: P.PPovinec & J.A. Sanchez-Cabeza.

8.        International Conference on Isotopes in Environmental Studies. Book of Extended Synopses. (IAEA-CN-118, Vienna, 2004). Editor. P.P. Povinec.

9.        Study of Environmental Change using Isotope Techniques. Book of Extended Synopses (IAEA, Vienna, 2002, 531p.). Editors: P. Aggarwal, J.J. Gibson, P.P. Povinec

11.        International Conference on Environmental Change using Isotope Techniques. Book of Extended Synopses. (IAEA-       CN-80, Vienna, 2001, 206p.). Editors: P. Aggarwal, J.J. Gibson, P.P. Povinec

12.      Marine Pollution. Proc. International Conference on Marine Pollution (IAEA, Vienna, 1999, 750p.). Editor. P.P. Povinec

13.      Use of Isotope Techniques in Marine Environmental Studies. Proc. International Seminar (IAEA, Vienna 1996, 320p.). Editors: K. Froehlich, P.P. Povinec

14.      Rare Nuclear Processes. Proc. of the 14th Europhysics Conference on Nuclear Physics (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992, 441p.). Editor: P. Povinec

15.       Low-Level Counting and Spectrometry. Proc. of the 3rd International Conference Low Radioactivities´85 (VEDA, Bratislava, 1987, 308 p.). EditorP. Povinec

16.       Proc. 8th Conference of Czechoslovak Physicists (JCSMF, Praha. Vol. I/1 350p.), I/2 (361p.) and II 470p.), 1985). Editors: J. Šebesta, P. Povinec

17.      Low-Level Counting. Proc. of the 2nd International Conference Low Radioactivities´80 (VEDA, Bratislava, Vol. 1, 1982, 434 p.; Vol. 2, 204p.). Editor: P. Povinec

18.      Low-Radioactivity Measurements and Applications. Proc. International Conference (SPN, Bratislava, 1977, 548p.). Editor: P. Povinec, S. Usačev

Invited talks at conferences (>1980): Over 50 talks

Organization of IAEA Research Coordination Meetings, Technical Cooperation Metings, and Consultant Meetings

24 meetings organised during the period 1993-2005




List of Publications 


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Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the Comenius University

Mlynská dolina F-1, 84248 Bratislava, Slovakia

Email: pavel.povinec@uniba.sk

Phone: Tel: +421 260 295544
Fax: 421 265 425882