Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava


University courses for undergraduate and graduate studies

Physics (FYZ), Renewable Energy Sources and Environmental Physics (OZE), Biomedical Physics (BMF)

Practice III

Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics (mFJF)

Neutron physics and reactors

<output>Environmental Physics, Renewable Energy Sources, and Meteorology and Climatology</output>
<output>Environmental Physics, Renewable Energy Sources, and Meteorology and Climatology</output>
<output>Environmental Physics, Renewable Energy Sources, and Meteorology and Climatology</output>
Environmental Physics, Renewable Energy Sources , Meteorology and Climatology (mEOM)
2-FOZ-201/15Ecology and Radioecology

Radionuclide dating

Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics (dFJF)

Accelerator ion technologies

Environmentálna fyzika (dENF)
3-FEN-012/15Utilization of accelerators in environmental research

Supervision of Bs Works

2020             Possibilities of elemental content determination by using IBA methods in varietal wines and spirits (B. Bobáľ)
2019Possibilities of Cu concentration measurement by PIGE method (M. Patrnčiak)
2017Analysis of element content of coins by PIXE method (A. Michalica)
2015Ion analysis in graphite samples by LE part of AMS system (L. Janoťáková)
2014Radiocarbon dating of biological samples (A. Štrbavý)
2013Preparation of graphite targets for AMS analysis of 14C (I. Kontuľ)

Supervision of Diploma works

2018  Study of Al in atmosphere of Bratislava (M. Doktor)
2015      AMS analysis of radiocarbon in tree ring samples (I. Kontuľ)


List of current available thesis.