Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

2 Post-Doc positions in environmental/biomedical plasma applications

Division of Environmental Physics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia is currently seeking highly qualified applicants

12. 07. 2021 22.57 hod.
By: Róbert Jajcay

[Translate to English:] Division of Environmental Physics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia is currently seeking highly qualified applicants for:

a) 1-year post-doctoral position (1) starting in October 2021 

Topic: Electrical discharges in catalysts. Plasma catalysis for flue gas cleaning.

The main objective is to bring more light into the mutual interaction of electric discharges generating non-thermal plasma and materials with catalytic properties. Investigation of properties of discharges generated on surfaces, in capillary tubes, cavities and pellets of materials with catalytic properties, using both classical and new electrical and optical diagnostic methods, supplemented with a theoretical analysis. The individual tasks are:
* Electrical measurements in systems of discharges in capillary tubes, in perforated ceramic element and in pellets. Optical measurements of total and spectrally resolved radiation emitted by the discharges, identification of excited species, spatial distribution of temperature across the catalysts.
* Chemical activity of discharges measured by UV and FTIR spectroscopy. Search for optimal conditions for the generation of high concentrations of various oxidants and other reactive species and evaluation of overall plasma chemical potential of the discharges.
 * Removal of selected components of the flue gas, e.g. aromatic or polyaromatic hydrocarbons,  cleaning of a real flue gas from the diesel engine. Gas analysis by GC-FTIR, evaluation of the efficiency of plasma chemical processes, energy consumption, carbon balance and product selectivity.
 * Surface analysis of the catalysts.  Identification of solid products deposited on the surface by SEM, EDX and ATR FTIR. Regeneration of the catalysts. Search for optimal conditions to remove surface contamination.

For information and application details, contact:
Prof. Karol. Hensel, henselfmph.uniba.sk

b) 1-year post-doctoral position (2) starting in October 2021

Topic: Applications of cold plasmas combined with photo-catalysis for indoor air decontamination.

Motivation: Actual global pandemic situation with pathogenic aerosols including SARS-CoV-2, and other indoor chemical/microbial contaminants

The key objective is addressing fundamental complex questions aimed at examining the principles of operation and finding synergies of cold atmospheric air plasma and UV-induced photocatalytic processes.

1: Investigations of the physical and chemical effects of electrical discharges generating cold plasma on water aerosols. Characterization of electrical and emission parameters of plasma discharges in various geometries and materials of electrodes and dielectrics with respect to the formation of ozone, NO and NO2.

2: Investigations and optimization of the modes of operation of the combined technology of cold plasma and photocatalysis on TiO2 or other photocatalysts, in order to achieve the highest possible decontamination efficiency with minimum energy consumption and optimal airflow, with adaptation of the regime to external environmental parameters.

3: Minimize the output of undesirable toxic gases from the plasma-photocatalytic systems (ozone, nitrogen oxides) in different modes of operation in conjunction with process efficiency optimization. Both O3 and NO2 typically generated in air plasmas have strong antimicrobial effects, but they are irritating and toxic gases, their concentrations must meet strict air pollution limits. The cold plasma chemistry is strongly influenced by humidity. The synergy of plasma with the photocatalytic effect will lead to the formation of OH, O, N and other short-lived reactive particles, which will be diagnosed by emission, absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. 

4: Optimizing the efficiency of the plasma-catalytic systems while eliminating toxic gases at the outlet of the device. Searching for conditions for strengthening the formation of radicals and chemical processes ensuring chemical and antimicrobial activity and subsequent destruction of excess O3 and NOx. 

For information and application details, contact:
Prof. Zdenko Machala, machalafmph.uniba.sk


Information on PhD and post-doctoral positions: