Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

Nuclear Seminar - Natália Džalaiová (4.5.2022)

Wednesday 4.5.2022 at 14:00, Lecture room F1/364

28. 04. 2022 10.46 hod.
By: Jaroslav Staníček

Mgr. Natália Džalaiová:
Strangeness production in Xe–Xe collisions at √sNN = 5.44 TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC

One of the leading areas of high-energy physics studies is the study of a strongly interacting matter, quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Strangeness enhancement is originally proposed as a signature of such a state. In this work, the production of multi–strange (Ξ− and Ω− ) baryons and their anti-particles measured by ALICE at LHC in Xe–Xe collisions at √sNN = 5.44 TeV is investigated. The pT spectra obtained at mid-rapidity have been studied in interval 0.6 < pT < 5 GeV/c and 1 < pT < 5 GeV/c, respectively, with centrality varying from the most central to the most peripheral collisions (up to 90%). Comparison of obtained data with pp, p–Pb and Pb–Pb systems would help to investigate the microscopic origin of enhanced strangeness production, which is not known yet.