Promoting the education of mathematics teachers in primary and secondary schools by sharing innovative materials, forms and teaching
The goal of the project is to support further teacher education by sharing innovative forms, methods, and materials with the contribution of an active teacher community.
Main investigating organization: Faculty of mathematics, physics and informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava
Principal investigator: doc. PaedDr. Mária Slavíčková, PhD.
Cooperating investigators: PaedDr. Peter Vankúš, PhD., RNDr. Monika Dillingerová, PhD., Mgr. Michaela Vargová, PhD., Mgr. Emília Miťková, PhD., Mgr. Adam Jakubička
Cooperating organization: Faculty of education, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Project funding: KEGA 014UK-4/2020
Project duration: 2020-2022
The goal of the project is to support further teacher education by sharing innovative forms, methods, and materials with the contribution of an active teacher community.
Currently, there are several web pages for Slovak mathematics teachers where they can share and find educational materials. Such websites offer quick access to some materials. However, there is a lack of guaranty of the didactical quality of these materials – their score is determined mainly by subjective opinions of the website’s visitors, then by expert evaluation and review. Another disadvantage of these websites is the absence of search according to specific criteria (e.g., ISCED levels, national curriculum standards).
This project aims to create open access online depository of educational resources for teaching mathematics, sorted systematically according to ISCED levels and according to mathematical topics contained in the national curriculum.
Apart from educational resources, we aim to support mathematics teachers in Slovakia by developing an active community of mathematics teachers with active connections to university educators and researchers. The community will be supported by:
- annual organization of a professional conference "Two days with didactics of mathematics",
- supporting teacher education through innovative forms, methods, and materials, with an active community of mathematics teachers in Slovakia,
- publishing verified materials for teaching mathematics to secondary schools.