Seminar of Cognitive Science - Andrej Lúčny (7.3.2017)
Tuesday 7.3.2017 at 16:30, Lecture room I/9
RNDr. Andrej Lúčny, PhD.:
The mirror self-recognition for robots
Humans recognize themselves in the mirror, but children under 18 months do not, thinking they are looking at a person behind the mirror. In animals, the mirror self-recognition is present only in exceptional cases, for instance in chimpanzees, but not in cats. Can a robot recognize itself in the mirror? And what is the origin of the self-recognition ability? Using the simulator of the humanoid robot iCub, and a camera capturing the area in the front of the monitor, we created a control system for examining how the mirror self-recognition emerges from basic mechanisms. These mechanisms include the body model (proprioception), mirroring, i.e. the ability to create an analogical model as a result of vision, imitation and social modelling. We follow the approach of Scassellati and Hart (Yale University) who suppose that a robot should recognize itself in the mirror due to perfect correlation between the body movement and the image seen in the mirror