Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

Algebraic Graph Theory Seminar - Jana Šiagiová (15.12.2017)

Friday 15.12.2017 at 13:00, Lecture room M/XI

13. 12. 2017 14.20 hod.
By: Martin Mačaj

Jana Šiagiová (Slovak University of Technology):
Packing of the Hoffman-Singleton graph into complete graph K_50

Let G and H be two graphs such that |V(G)| \le |V(H)|. We say that t copies of G can be packed into H if there exist t edge-disjoint subgraphs G_1, G_2, ..., G_t of H such that each G_i is isomorphic to G. The most commonly studied problems in this area are packings of graphs with special properties into complete graphs. In this talk we will consider the packing of the Hoffman-Singleton graph into K_50. The theoretical upper bound on the number of copies in this case is 7. We will present a construction of packing five its copies into K_50 using the covering construction method.