Nuclear Seminar - Oliver Majerský (4.4.2018)
Wednesday 4.4.2018 at 14:00, Lecture room F1/364
Mgr. Oliver Majerský:
Identification of hadronic decays of high-energy top quarks and W bosons at the ATLAS experiment
With increasing energy of proton-proton collisions at the LHC, an increasing rate of production of top quarks with very high momenta (above 300 GeV) is observed, where the common approaches top quark kinematics reconstruction become insufficient due to decreasing spacial separation of its decay products. In this talk, we present methods for reconstruction of hadronic decays of high-energy top quarks and W bosons. These techniques are based on containing their decay products within a single jet with large radius and a subsequent analysis of the structure of the jet with the purpose of discrimination between top quarks and QCD background.