Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

The honorary degree Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor Wang

19 June 2018 (Tuesday), at 10.00 am, the Comenius University Auditorium, Comenius University (historical building), first floor, 6 Šafárik Square, Bratislava

30. 05. 2018 15.05 hod.
By: CU Public Relations Office

The Comenius University Rector, Professor Karol Mičieta, requests the honour of your presence at the awarding of the honorary degree Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor Joseph Wang. The awarding ceremony will be held on Tuesday, 19 June 2018, at 10.00 am in the Comenius University Auditorium.

Joseph Wang is a widely recognized researcher and inventor. He is a distinguished Professor, SAIC Endowed Chair and the Head of the Department of Nanoengineering at University of California, San Diego (UCSD). He also serves as the director of the Center for Wearable Sensors at UCSD School of Engineering. He served as the director of the Center for Bioelectronics and Biosensors of Arizona State University (ASU). He received two ACS National Awards in 1999 and 2006 and eight honorary Professor degrees from Spain, Argentina, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and China. Professor Wang has been the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the magazine named Electroanalysis (Wiley) since 1989. He is an author of over 1050 papers that were cited over 95,000 times (Google H Index=151), he presented over 100 Plenary Lectures and Keynote Addresses at International Meetings (over 300 presentations). Prof. Wang substantially contributed to the scientific collaboration with Comenius University in Bratislava in development of electrochemical biosensors.