Professor Nigel Mason awarded by the Gold medal of Comenius University
On Monday 24.10.2022, the rector of Comenius University, Professor Marek Števček awarded the Gold Medal to Professor Nigel Mason for his merits in the field of research on interactions of electrons with atoms and molecules.
On Monday, October 24, 2022, the rector of the Comenius University, Professor Marek Števček, awarded the Gold Medal of Comenius University to Professor Nigel Mason for his merits in the field of research on interactions of electrons with atoms and molecules, especially in the field of plasma physics and astrophysics, and for his long-term cooperation and support of Comenius University, especially in the field of plasma physics.
Professor Nigel J. Mason is the head of School of Physical Sciences at the University of Kent, UK. Previously, he has been with the Open University in Milton Keynes, where he was a professor of Molecular Physics. Professor Mason is an outstanding scientist working in the fields of molecular physics, physics of electrons, ions and ionized gases including plasma. His activities in the field of radiation physics and astrochemistry are significant, and focused on the study of electron and ion processes taking place in the atmospheres of planets, asteroids and comets. He is the author of several books and hundreds of scientific publications.
Prof. N. J. Mason has a very positive relationship with Slovakia, which resulted in cooperation and support in the field of science and education. He established a long-term and fruitful cooperation with our colleagues from the Department of Experimental Physics. It is very important for our experimental scientists to maintain personal contacts with other institutions, to have the opportunity to exchange researchers and students. Prof. N.J. Mason trained or participated in the training of several doctoral students from Slovakia (Dr. Eva Vašeková, Dr. Gabriel Horváth, Dr. Juraj Országh) and also often hosted our colleagues (prof. J. D. Skalný, doc. J. Országh, doc. P. Papp, doc. V. Medvecká, dr. L. Moravský). He actively supports the exchange of students between Comenius University and University of Kent. With the support of prof. N. J. Mason, departments from Comenius University were involved in several scientific projects, such as EPIC, ITS LEIF within the 6th and 7th Framework Program of the EU, COST projects, the ESF EIPAM project, the H2020 ELEvaTE and Europlanet infrastructure projects.
The award was proposed by Professor Štefan Matejčík and approved by the Scientific council in 2019. Since then, we have been trying to find a suitable date for this ceremony. It was not easy due to previous pandemics and traffic restrictions.
Our faculty and Comenius University are very proud that we could personally present this important award to Professor N. Mason.