Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

A 2016 Literary Fund prize goes to Professor Povinec

Professor Povinec has won the first place in the category of three-year scientific response. At the same time, he has been recognized by Google Scholar as the most cited author of the Comenius University.

13. 10. 2016 14.29 hod.
By: Anna Komová

Literary Fund is a national and public cultural institution supporting and initializing work in fiction, non-fiction and academic literature, as well as other creative activities. Annually, the Fund runs a competition for the best works in seven sections. In the section of scientific and technical literature and computer programs the following categories are regularly open:

Prize for scientific and technical literature, Award for three-year scientific response (number of quotes), and Award for exceptional scientific response to one publication (number of quotes).

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics has always won one of these prizes.

This year the first place in the category of there-year scientific response in 2013-2015 was won by Prof. Povinec of the Dpt. of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics, FMPI. By Google Scholar, he is also the most frequently cited author at the Comenius University. Most quotations were linked with the environmental impact of the Fukushima accident, application of radionuclides in the research of environmental processes, investigation into rare nuclear processes, and development of high-sensitivity accelerator technologies for isotope analysis of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial objects.

This is the second time Professor Povinec has received the noteworthy Literary Fund prize. In 2014 he won the first place in the category of the Prize for scientific and technical literature for his publication “Fukušima Accident: Radioactivity Impact on the Environment” (co-authors:  Prof. K. Hirose of the Tokyo University and Prof. M. Aoyama of the Fukushima University).This book (Elsevier, New York, 2013) received in 2014 a significant international award – the PROSE Award by American publishers for the best publications in science (literary Oscar).