Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

Slovak learners´achievement in Georgia

Slovak high schoolers won gold medals in the international round of the Young Physicists´ Tournament. Students and teachers of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics (FMPI) significantly participated in their training.

22. 07. 2021 12.53 hod.
By: František Kundracik

The International Young Physicists´ Tournament (IYPT) took place on July 6 -13, 2021 in Kutaisi, Georgia, in spite of pandemic situation. Slovakia was represented by Veronika Ucekajová (Gymnázium Šrobárova Košice), Daniela Vasiľová (Gymnázium Sobrance), Karolína Jediná and Michal Varšányi (both from Gymnázia Jura Hronca v Bratislave) and Nina Nevláčilová (1. súkromné gymnázium Bajkalská Bratislava). Most of their training was led by Tereza Zuskinová (student of physics in the 1st year of studies) and František Kundracik, both from FMPI, Martin Plesch and Daniel Nagaj from the Physics Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Marián Kíreš from UPJŠS in Košice, and also former IYPT contestants, of whom Bohdan Gliševič (University College London) was a co-leader of the team along with Marián Kíreš.

Within five rounds of the contest the Slovak representation won the top position and gold medals, which qualified them among the best three teams in the finals fighting for the challenge trophy. The team of Poland achieved best; the team of Austria won the third position. The Slovak team also won a special prize, handed to the best performing contestant, who was the Slovak team captain Veronika Ucekajová. 

Slovak high schoolers thus recelebrated their achievement after six years. They won gold medals in 2014 in Shrewsbury and in 2001 in Helsinki, and also got to the finals in 2004 in Brisbane.

Best congratulations!