Research projects
Ongoing research projects
2023 ‑ present | Investigation of new ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites (VEGA-1/0487/23) | |
2022 ‑ present | Investigation of rare nuclear processes in underground experiments (APVV-21-0377) | |
2022 ‑ present | Development of accelerator technologies for study of radiation damage of DNA and other bio-objects (APVV-21-0059) | |
2021 ‑ present | Global impact of nuclear accidents and undeclared nuclear activities on Earth's spheres (VEGA 1/0625/21) | |
2019 ‑ present | ACCORD - Advancing university Capacity and Competence in Research, Development and Innovation (EU funding) |
Ongoing international experiments
Ongoing international projects
Completed research projects
Completed international projects
2016 ‑ 2018 | Strengthening Capabilities for Radionuclide Measurement in the Environment and Enhancing QA/QC System for Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring (IAEA - RER7008) |
2016 ‑ 2017 | Environmental radionuclide monitoring in Slovakia (IAEA - SLR/008) |
2013 ‑ 2017 | Implementing modern approaches and tools for the assessment of radiation impact on the total environment (IAEA-RER7005) |
2012 ‑ 2015 | Enhancing Capacity for Environmental Radionuclide Monitoring at the Centre for Nuclear and Accelerator Technologies and Education/Training (CENTA) to Support the Expansion of Nuclear Power and the Decommissioning of NPPs (IAEA - SLR0/008) |