Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava


Main research fields

  1. Accelerator-based investigations - development of Ion Beam Analysis (PIXE, PIGE, RBS, NRA) and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) technologies for physical sciences, biomedicine and environmental studies.
  2. Nuclear physics - rare nuclear processes and decays, investigation of double beta-decay, search for dark matter particles, underground physics, radio purity investigations, Monte Carlo simulations.
  3. Environmental physics - radionuclides as tracers of environmental processes, atmosphere-hydrosphere-biosphere interactions, environmental impacts of nuclear installations and accidents, climate change studies, isotope oceanography, groundwater studies, radionuclide dating.
  4. Extraterrestrial investigations - radionuclides in meteorites and lunar samples, radiation ages of meteorites, pre-atmospheric sizes of meteorites, solar cycles, variations of galactic and solar cosmic rays.

Research Projects

Ongoing research projects

Ongoing international experiments

Ongoing international projects

Completed research projects

Completed international projects

Description of recently carried out investigations 

Accelerator-based experiments 

Determination of metal elements in human brain tissues 

PIXE analysis of thin rabbit brain samples

AMS measurements of 10Be 

Analysis of aluminium in atmospheric aerosols 


Low-background experiments

SuperNEMO and LEGEND double beta-decay experiments

CRESST dark matter search experiment


Environmental studies

Carbon aerosols

Radiocarbon in tree rings

Tritium and radiocarbon in Pacific Ocean after Fukushima accident


Extraterrestrial studies

Martian meteorites

Lunar meteorites