Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

List of new themes for master's theses (Nuclear and subnuclear physics; Environmental Physics, Renewable Energy Sources, Meteorology and Climatology)

1. Efficiency detemination of BEGe detector

Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Miroslav Ješkovský, PhD.

Department: Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics

Contact: miroslav.jeskovskyfmph.uniba.sk (F1 275)

Language: Slovak / English


2. Radiocarbon in the aerosol of Bratislava

Supervisor: Ing. Jakub Kaizer, PhD.

Department: Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics

Contact: jakub.kaizerfmph.uniba.sk (F1 275)

Language: Slovak / English


3. Dosimetric situation during operation of 3 MV tandem accelerator

Supervisor: Ing. Jakub Kaizer, PhD.

Department: Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics

Contact: jakub.kaizerfmph.uniba.sk (F1 275)

Language: Slovak / English


4. Study of anthropogenic effects influencing radiocarbon in tree rings

Supervisor: Mgr. Ivan Kontuľ. PhD.

Department: Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics

Contact: ivan.kontulfmph.uniba.sk (F1 272)

Language: Slovak / English


5. Optimization of the RBS detector geometry in the CENTA laboratory

Supervisor: Mgr. Jakub Zeman, PhD.

Department: Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics

Contact: jakub.zemanfmph.uniba.sk (F2 140)

Language: Slovak / English


6. Ion beam simulations in the MC-SNICS ion source using SIMION software

Supervisor: Mgr. Jakub Zeman, PhD.

Department: Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics

Contact: jakub.zemanfmph.uniba.sk (F2 140)

Language: Slovak / English