List of defended theses, carried out at the CENTA laboratory
Bachelor's theses:
Ivan Kontuľ: Preparation of graphite targets for AMS analysis of 14C (2013) (supervisor: M. Ješkovský)
Adam Štrbavý: Radiocarbon dating of biological samples (2014) (supervisor: M. Ješkovský)
Lucia Janoťáková: Ion analysis in graphite samples by LE part of AMS system (2015) (supervisor: M. Ješkovský)
Andrej Michalica: Analysis of element content of coins by PIXE method (2017) (supervisor: M. Ješkovský)
Jakub Kvasniak: PIXE/PIGE analysis of elemental composition of foods and organic foods (2017) (supervisor: J. Kaizer)
Michal Patrnčiak: Possibilities of Cu concentration measurement by PIGE method (2019) (supervisor: M. Ješkovský)
Gabriela Oršová: Elemental composition analysis of human tissues: methods and implications for medical research (2020) (supervisor: J. Kaizer)
Magdaléna Šolcová: Limits for determination of 13C in CENTA laboratory (2022) (supervisor: M. Ješkovský)
Master's theses:
Ivan Kontuľ: AMS analysis of radiocarbon in tree ring samples (2015) (supervisor: M. Ješkovský)
Miloš Doktor: Study of Al in atmosphere of Bratislava (2018) (supervisor: M. Ješkovský)
Jakub Kvasniak: Determination of elements in foods and organic foods with the use of advanced techniques of PIXE/PIGE analysis (2019) (supervisor: J. Kaizer)
Ema Laššová: Analysis of the elemental composition of human tissues (2022) (supervisor: J. Pánik)
Karol Sučák: Elemental composition of aerosols in the atmosphere of Bratislava (2022) (supervisor: J. Zeman)
Boris Bobáľ: In vino veritas. What is the elemental composition of wine? (2023) (supervisor: M. Ješkovský)
Doctoral theses:
Mgr. Jakub Kvasniak, PhD: Development and applications of IBA methods for analysis of biological samples (2023) (supervisor: P. Povinec)
Mgr. Ivan Kontuľ, PhD: Development of accelerator mass spectrometry for analysis of environmental radionuclides (2019) (supervisor: P. Povinec)
Mgr. Ján Pánik, PhD: Development of the accelerator mass spectrometry at CENTA (2018) (supervisor: P. Povinec)
Mgr. Jakub Zeman, PhD: Development of Ion Beam Analysis techniques at CENTA for elemental analysis (2017) (supervisor: P. Povinec)
Ing. Jakub Kaizer, PhD: Radionuclides in the environment and development of methods of their determination by accelerator mass spectrometry (2015) (supervisor: P. Povinec)
Application for new themes for bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses can be done via Academic Information System (AIS).