Fee Schedule
Bachelor's and Master's Degree Studies - Academic Year 2024/2025
Application fee (paper application form): 33 EUR
Application fee (electronical application form): 15 EUR
IBAN SK 8881800000007000138327, VS: 800
Tutition fees for longer than standard duration studies and concurrently studying (for each year):
- bachelor's degree: 1500 EUR
- master's degree: 1800 EUR
Tuition fees for programs in English language (for each year; the fee does not apply to programs that do not have an equivalent in Slovak language):
- bachelor's degree: 2000 EUR
- master's degree: 1800 EUR
Replacement of lost student ID: 7 EUR
ISIC validation stamp: 19 EUR
NOISIC validation stamp: 6 EUR
IBAN SK 9581800000007000138298, VS: 23, ŠS: student ID (AIS2).
Transcript for one academic year (in Slovak): 3,30 EUR
Transcript for one academic year (in English): 6,60 EUR
Confirmation of studies from archives: 7 EUR
Replacement for lost grade record:
- in the first year: 16,60 EUR
- each additional year: 6,60 EUR
Transcript after completing studies: 16,60 EUR
IBAN SK 9581800000007000138298, VS: 400
For foreign money transfers use the additonal information:
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
Štátna pokladnica
Radlinského 6929/32
811 07 Bratislava
Doctoral Degree Studies - Academic Year 2024/2025
Application fee (paper application form): 33 €
Application fee (electronical application form): 15 €
IBAN: SK88 8180 000000 7000138327 VS: 801
Tuition for studies longer than standard duration of the program and concurrently studying (each year): 1300 €
Tuition for part-time studies in Slovak language (each year): 700 €
Tuition for full-time studies in English language (each year): 1000 €
Tuitions for part-time studies in English language (each year): 700 €
IBAN: SK66 8180 000000 7000138335 VS: 300, ŠS: sudent id
Student ID full-time student (ISIC): 26 €
Student ID full-time student (NO ISIC): 13 €
Student ID part-time student: 10 €
Student ID (duplicate): 7 €
Validation stamp full-time student (ISIC): 19 €
Validation stamp full-time student (NO ISIC): 6 €
Validation stamp part-time student: 6 €
IBAN: SK95 8180 000000 7000138 298 VS: 700
For foreign money transfers use the additonal information:
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
Štátna pokladnica
Radlinského 6929/32
811 07 Bratislava