Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava


Upcoming events


Deadline for Admission Applications is March 1217. 01. 2018

We offer attractive study programs in mathematics, physics, computer science, and teacher's training in these areas. We also offer interdisciplinary programs...

Seminar of Theoretical Computer Science - Broňa Brejová...06. 03. 2018

Friday 9.3.2018 at 11:00, Lecture room M/213

Seminar of Cognitive Science - Igor Farkaš (6.3.2018)01. 03. 2018

Tuesday 6.3.2018 at 16:30, Lecture room I/9

Seminar of Theoretical Physics - Anton Zajac (6.3.2018)03. 03. 2018

Tuesday 6.3.2018 o 14:00 hod. v miestnosti F2/125

Seminar of Plasma Physics - Dennis Bodewits (8.3.2018)05. 03. 2018

Thursday 8. 3. 2018 at 13:00 hod., room F2/51

Seminar of Theoretical Computer Science - Rastislav Královič27. 02. 2018

Friday 2.3.2018 at 11:00, Lecture room M/213

Seminar on Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations -...21. 02. 2018

Thursday 1.3.2018 at 14:00 hod., Lecture room M/223

Seminar of Plasma Physics - Věra Mazánková (1.3.2018)22. 02. 2018

Thursday 1.3.2018 at 13:00, Lecture room F2/51

Seminar in Mathematical Statistics - Peter Richtárik...20. 02. 2018

Monday 26.2.2018 at 9:50, Lecture room M/XII

Algebraic Graph Theory Seminar- Metod Saniga (23.2.2018)20. 02. 2018

Friday 23.2.2018 at 13:30, Lecture room M 213

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