Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava


Upcoming events


Seminar of Quantitative Biology - Anna Andresson ...19. 03. 2018

Wednesday 21.3.2018 at 11:30 hod., Lecture room M/I

Seminar of Cognitive Science - Mihailo Antovic (20.3.2018)19. 03. 2018

Tuesday 20.3.2018 at 16:30, Lecture room I/9

Seminar of Theoretical Physics - Samuel Kováčik (19.3.2018)27. 02. 2018

Monday 19.3.2018 o 14:00 hod. v miestnosti F2/125

Nuclear Seminar - Piotr Homola (19.3.2018)13. 03. 2018

Monday 19.3.2018 at 14:00, Lecture room F1/364

Seminar of Theoretical Computer Science - Peter Kostolányi13. 03. 2018

Friday 16.3.2018 at 11:00, Lecture room M/213

Algebraic Graph Theory Seminar - Martin Mačaj (16.3.2018)13. 03. 2018

Friday 16.3.2018 at 13:30, Lecture room M 213

Seminar on Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations -...08. 03. 2018

Thursday 15.3.2018 o 14:00 hod., Lecture room M/223

Seminar of Graph Theory - Martin Škoviera (15.3.2018)13. 03. 2018

Thursday 15.3.2018 at 9:50, Lecture room M/213

Seminar of Plasma Physics - Ladislav Moravský (15.3.2018)13. 03. 2018

Thursday 15. 3. 2018 at 13:00 hod., room F2/51

Seminar of Cognitive Science - RNDr. Kristína Malinovská,...09. 03. 2018

Tuesday 13.3.2018 at 16:30, Lecture room I/9

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